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Over the past week, I had formed an unexpected friendship with David. We bonded over shared interests, particularly our mutual love for anime. I never expected to find someone who appreciated the art and storytelling as much as I did. We often exchanged recommendations, animatedly discussing our favorite series and characters. David's graceful mannerisms always intrigued me—he moved with a fluidity that seemed almost effortless, as if he were the main character in a slice-of-life anime. And then there was his voice. It was rich and melodic, capable of drawing anyone into his stories, making our conversations feel like mini-adventures.

As the lunch bell rang, signaling recess, I spotted Bryce sitting under a tree, his brow furrowed in concentration as he scribbled furiously in his math notebook. I nudged David with my elbow. "Hey, let's go see what Bryce is up to. He looks like he could use some company."

David smiled, a glint of mischief in his eye. "Maybe we can convince him to take a break and talk about the latest episode of 'Mystic Warriors' instead. I've been dying to hear his thoughts on that cliffhanger!"

Together, we made our way over to Bryce. "Hey, Bryce! Mind if we join you?" I called out, a playful grin stretching across my face.

Bryce looked up, his expression shifting from confusion to delight. "Of course! I could use some company," he said, his smile lighting up his face. His eyes flickered to David, curiosity evident in his gaze. "So, you're David, right? The one who knows all about anime?"

David chuckled, a hint of modesty in his tone. "Guilty as charged! But I'm still working on convincing Alisa to binge-watch my favorite series."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "I have a long list, you know! But I might make room for it if you promise to share your snacks during the binge-watching session."

Bryce joined in our banter, chuckling as he took a break from his math notes. "As long as you both promise not to spoil anything for me, I'm in!"

I settled down on the grass across from them, a comfortable feeling washing over me. Watching Bryce's face light up around David brought warmth to my heart. It had been a tough few weeks, and seeing my best friend smiling was a small victory I cherished.

"Okay, so let's tackle this math assignment," I suggested, pulling my notebook from my bag. "What do we need to focus on?"

Bryce sighed, glancing at his notes like they were a cruel joke. "I swear, Mr. Reyes has it out for us. Why does he make everything so complicated?"

"Because he enjoys watching us suffer," David replied with a playful smirk, which made me snicker. "But don't worry; we can totally figure it out together. Just like we figured out that crazy plot twist in 'Mystic Warriors.'"

Just then, Jordan sauntered over, his usual confident swagger on display. "What's this? A math party without me?" He plopped down beside me, a mischievous grin on his face. "I thought I was the designated math genius in this group."

"Genius? More like a math magician," I shot back, rolling my eyes but unable to hide my smile. "We were just about to start a study session. Want in?"

"Absolutely!" Jordan leaned in closer, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "But first, I need a favor. Bryce, if you let me copy your assignment, I promise to treat you to lunch tomorrow."

Bryce raised an eyebrow, trying to appear serious but failing miserably. "What makes you think I'm just going to hand over my hard work?"

Jordan crossed his arms, putting on a mock look of disbelief. "Because you're a nice guy, and I'm, well, me! Who wouldn't want to be friends with this face?" He gestured dramatically to himself, making me burst into laughter.

Undead (Alisa Rose #1)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now