-Twenty Six-

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The night was going smoothly—or as smoothly as things ever went in my life. Bryce was dancing with Jordan, the two of them lost in their own little world. The sight of Bryce finally looking happy, relaxed even, was enough to make me feel like maybe, just maybe, we were catching a break.

But then she appeared.

Lydia, storming across the dance floor with her signature look of self-righteous indignation, eyes locked on Bryce like he owed her something. My good mood immediately evaporated.

"Bryce," she called, her voice sharp enough to cut through the music. "Where's Eddie?"

I saw Bryce's smile fade, confusion crossing his face as he turned to look at her. Jordan stiffened beside him, his hand instinctively gripping Bryce's arm.

"Lydia, what are you talking about?" Bryce asked, clearly not in the mood for her drama. But when was she ever not in the mood for drama?

Lydia marched up to them, ignoring Jordan completely as if he wasn't even there. "Eddie's gone missing again, and it's all your fault, Bryce. His craziness has gone off the rails, and now he's going to end up in Pototan Mental Hospital because of you!"

I rolled my eyes so hard I thought they might get stuck in the back of my head. I stepped forward, positioning myself between her and Bryce, arms crossed, channeling every bit of attitude I could muster. "What do you want, Lydia? Can't you see we're having a good time here?"

Lydia glared at me, but I was used to that by now. She'd been throwing those looks my way ever since Bryce and I started sticking up for each other.

"This isn't about you, Alisa," she spat, her voice dripping with venom. "This is between me and Bryce."

"Actually," I shot back, "it is about me. Because every time you come after him, you've got this habit of making it everyone's problem." I took a step closer, lowering my voice. "What's your deal, Lydia? You that insecure that you have to keep blaming Bryce for all your mess?"

Lydia's face twisted, her eyes narrowing. "Don't act like you're better than me, Alisa. You think just because you've got some vampire blood in you, you can run around like a superhero? You've got no idea what's going on here."

"Oh, I know exactly what's going on," I said, the words coming out before I could stop them. "You've been playing us all along. The notes, the threats—hell, even the murders. All because you're a petty, insecure little girl who can't stand the idea of someone else being happy."

Her eyes widened at my accusation, then narrowed into slits. "You think I'm the mastermind? You're insane."

I stepped closer, my fists clenching at my sides. "Yeah? Then why do I get the feeling you're behind everything? You've been jealous of Bryce since day one. Don't pretend you don't hate seeing him happy. And now Eddie's gone? You don't fool me, Lydia."

Lydia let out a snarl, and for a split second, I saw her eyes flash with something darker, something more dangerous than her usual teenage angst. But I didn't care. My blood was boiling, and when she opened her mouth to throw another insult, I did the one thing I'm best known for—acting without thinking.

Before I knew it, my fist connected with her face. Hard.

The shock on Lydia's face was almost worth the trouble I knew I'd just caused. She staggered back, clutching her cheek, her eyes wide with disbelief. Gasps and whispers erupted around us as the students nearest us stopped dancing, turning their attention to the brewing chaos.

"Alisa!" Bryce's voice cut through the noise, but I barely heard him. My heart was racing, adrenaline pumping through my veins. I knew I should've held back. I knew it. But dammit, Lydia had it coming.

Lydia stumbled backward, dazed, before a group of concerned students rushed forward to help her. Someone muttered something about taking her to the clinic, and before I knew it, she was being escorted away, glaring daggers at me as she clutched her swollen cheek.

"Nice going," Bryce said, coming up beside me. "What happened to keeping a low profile?"

"Hey, she started it," I replied, rubbing my knuckles. "I just finished it."

Bryce sighed, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. "You know, I should be mad at you for decking her, but... thanks."

Jordan stepped forward, his brow furrowed with concern. "Look, I get that Lydia's a problem, but Alisa... there's a bigger threat out there. We need to stay focused."

I turned to Jordan, taking a deep breath to calm myself down. He was right. Lydia might've deserved that punch, but she wasn't the real danger here. Whoever was out there turning people into vampires, leaving dead bodies and cryptic threats—it wasn't Lydia. Not really.

Jordan's eyes scanned the crowd, his expression serious. "Lydia's annoying, but she's not the one orchestrating all this. We've got to keep our eyes on the bigger picture."

I nodded, forcing myself to push the rage aside. "You're right," I said, though the adrenaline still buzzed in my veins. "We'll deal with Lydia later. For now, we've got bigger fish to fry."

Undead (Alisa Rose #1)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now