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As I stepped into Bryce's classroom, the first thing that caught my eye was the blackboard. There, in messy red chalk, was a message that made my stomach flip: "We're coming to get you, Bryce."

I felt a chill crawl up my spine. I glanced over at Bryce, who stood frozen, his face pale as he stared at the words. A few of our classmates had already gathered around, murmuring in low voices, some of them throwing concerned glances in our direction.

"Liss..." Bryce whispered, his voice barely audible.

Before I could say anything, the classroom door flew open, and Ms. Chika entered, her eyes widening in alarm when she saw the message on the board. Within minutes, chaos erupted. Bryce was immediately whisked off to the guidance counselor's office, and the principal announced over the intercom that classes would be delayed until further notice.

I waited outside, pacing back and forth near the counselor's office, my thoughts racing. Kade and Jace soon joined me, both looking just as concerned.

"Who would do something like that?" Kade asked, his usually calm demeanor giving way to frustration. "I mean, seriously, it could be some sick joke."

"Or worse," Jade added quietly, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, his eyes scanning the hallway as if expecting someone to pop out at any moment.

I couldn't help but agree. The words on the blackboard felt different this time. It wasn't just some prank. This was targeted.

"B's been getting those letters too," I said, my voice low as I recalled the threatening messages written in blood. "First letters, now this. It's escalating."

"Do you think it's someone at school?" Jace asked, rubbing the back of his neck, deep in thought.

I bit my lip, considering the possibility. The Tikbalanugo vampires were ruthless, but would they really risk leaving such obvious clues? It didn't make sense for them to be this sloppy. If it was a student, though... my mind started reeling with possibilities, scanning through faces I'd seen in the halls—people who might have it out for Bryce.

Lydia's smug face popped into my head. Eddie, too. They'd both had it out for B since day one. But writing threats on the blackboard? That seemed too blatant for them.

"I don't know," I finally admitted. "But whoever it is, they're not just trying to mess with him anymore. They want him scared."

Kade nodded. "You're right. The letters, now this... it's a warning."

A warning of what, though? I wasn't sure, and it was driving me crazy not having any answers.

The bell rang overhead, and the hallway started to fill with students as classes were set to resume. Kade shot me a reassuring look, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, Liss. We'll figure this out."

I gave him a grateful nod, but inside, I couldn't shake the feeling that things were going to get a whole lot worse before they got better.


Sitting in History class next to Bryce, I could feel the tension radiating off him. His leg bounced under the desk, fingers nervously tapping on the wood. The whole classroom buzzed with whispers and stolen glances in his direction. I knew why. We both did.

The blackboard incident was still fresh in everyone's mind. A message, scrawled in threatening red, had been left earlier that morning, fueling rumors about Bryce. It wasn't just the message that bothered him; it was the suspicion. The stares from our classmates had followed us all day, each one like a silent accusation.

Undead (Alisa Rose #1)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now