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David leaned back in his chair, a smug grin plastered on his face. "I swear, Ms. Castillo has it out for me," he declared as if he had just uncovered the world's greatest conspiracy.

Sidney, sitting next to him, rolled her eyes but smirked despite herself. "Oh really? And what did you do to offend her delicate sensibilities this time?"

I couldn't help but jump in. "Yeah, David, what did you do this time? Did you spill coffee on her perfectly organized lesson plan? You know how much she loves those."

David gasped, pretending to be deeply offended. "First of all, I don't spill coffee—I sip it like a connoisseur! Second, it's not my fault that my sheer brilliance intimidates her."

I laughed. "Right, David. Your brilliance. That's definitely it. Not the fact that you tried to correct her pronunciation in front of the entire class."

David waved his hand dismissively. "I was just being helpful! I mean, come on, who says 'photosyn-thesis' like it's some kind of new age buzzword? I was saving the class from misinformation."

Sidney snickered. "A true hero of the people, David. Really, how do we live without your courage?"

David puffed out his chest. "Exactly. But I think she knows I'm onto her. She's plotting something. Did you see the way she glared at me during class?"

"You mean when she caught you texting under your desk?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

David jabbed a finger at me. "Exactly! She was looking at me like I was personally sabotaging her entire teaching career. I was just researching important stuff!"

I folded my arms, giving him a skeptical look. "Right, because I'm sure scrolling through memes is critical research."

David winked at me. "Hey, memes are the language of the future. Ms. Castillo's just jealous because I speak fluent meme."

Sidney shook her head, a grin tugging at her lips. "Yeah, David, that's it. Ms. Castillo's jealous of your 'fluency.' She's probably plotting your academic downfall as we speak."

David nodded seriously, leaning in as if sharing a grand secret. "I wouldn't be surprised if she's part of some ancient secret order of teachers. You know, like the Illuminati, but with chalk dust and textbooks."

I snorted, trying not to laugh. "Oh, definitely. They probably meet in the teacher's lounge, wearing robes, holding secret meetings about how to ruin your day."

Sidney giggled. "And her weapon of choice? The dreaded red pen. One wrong move, and you're sentenced to detention for eternity."

David shuddered dramatically. "Ugh, the red pen! It's like her sword of doom! One strike and you're marked for life."

We all dissolved into laughter, the absurdity of our conversation wiping away the stress of the day. Ms. Castillo could be strict, but in this moment, making light of it felt like our own little rebellion.

"Oh, but seriously," David continued, wiping away a tear from laughing so hard. "You ever notice how she's always so perfectly put together? It's like she steps out of some 1950s catalog or something. I bet she wakes up at 4 a.m. to curl her hair, put on her pearl necklace, and practice her 'disapproving teacher' face in the mirror."

I nearly choked on my laughter. "David! You can't just say that! But honestly, I think you're onto something. I mean, have you seen how precise her lipstick is? Not a smudge, ever."

Sidney added, "She probably has a spreadsheet for her wardrobe. Color-coded and everything. 'Mondays: red sweater and black skirt, minimum scowling. Fridays: beige and maximum judgment.'"

Undead (Alisa Rose #1)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now