Chapter 1: The Broken Vows

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I realized that I haven't been updating because I've been lazy.
Y/N stood before the mirror, her eyes scanning her reflection. The ornate silk of her wedding kimono shimmered in the candlelight, the delicate embroidery of her clan's crest blending seamlessly with the Gojo family's sigil. She traced the fabric with trembling fingers, her heart heavy with the weight of what the day signified. This wasn't a union born of love, nor affection, but of duty and expectation. Two powerful clans bound together by tradition, and Y/N, despite her calm exterior, couldn't ignore the suffocating sense of entrapment.

The wedding celebration had been a spectacle—guests from across the Jujutsu world gathered to witness the union of Satoru Gojo and Y/N. Gojo, the heir of the prestigious Gojo clan, with his limitless power and piercing blue eyes, was admired by all. Y/N, in contrast, was the strongest female sorcerer of her generation, respected but still burdened by the sexist whisperings of those who doubted her simply because she was a woman. Yet, none of that mattered tonight.

As they danced together in front of the crowd, Gojo's hand resting lightly on her waist, his face radiating charm and grace, it all felt like a dream. To onlookers, they appeared the perfect couple, two young sorcerers uniting their clans for a stronger future. Y/N played her part perfectly, a soft smile on her lips as they swayed to the music, though her heart felt distant. And Gojo? His expression never faltered, yet there was a coldness in his touch—a barrier she could sense but not fully understand.

When the celebration finally ended, and the guests had left, the nightmare truly began.

Behind closed doors, the beautiful facade shattered. Gojo's charm melted away, revealing a colder, indifferent side that Y/N hadn't been prepared for. That first night, instead of tender words or even a semblance of affection, Gojo's voice had cut through the silence like ice.

"Don't expect any love or affection from me," he said bluntly, his back turned to her as he stood at the window, staring into the moonlit garden. "This is just an arrangement. I don't love you. I never will."

His words, though spoken with a certain detachment, hit Y/N like a punch to the chest. She had known, intellectually, that this marriage was political. But hearing it said so plainly, so cruelly, made her stomach twist. Her mind reeled as she struggled to keep her calm, her fingers clutching the fabric of her kimono tightly.

Still, she understood. This was the reality of arranged marriages in their world, and she, like so many others before her, would have to endure it. But understanding didn't lessen the sting.

"I see," she whispered softly, her voice steady, though her heart raced. "I didn't expect much."

She retired to a separate room that night, the silence between them heavier than ever.

Weeks passed, and the coldness between them deepened. Gojo would disappear for long stretches, leaving Y/N alone in the vast, empty house. At first, she thought she preferred it that way—solitude was better than enduring his indifference. But then came the women.

Y/N had expected Gojo to be unfaithful. He was young, handsome, and arrogant, and it wasn't as if they had shared any real bond. But the way he flaunted his infidelity was something she hadn't anticipated. He brought women into their home, often not bothering to hide them. She would hear him, late at night, laughing with them in their bedroom, their whispers and moans seeping through the walls like poison.

Each morning, Gojo would casually mention his escapades to Y/N, as if they were nothing more than idle gossip. His words dripped with mockery, his arrogance unbearable.

"She was something else last night," he would say over breakfast, not even bothering to look at her as he sipped his tea. "Much more exciting than this arrangement, don't you think?"

Y/N would remain silent, her expression calm as ever, but inside, she was crumbling. The pain wasn't from jealousy—no, it was the cruelty, the utter disregard for her as a person. He treated her like an object, something to be mocked, something beneath his notice. Yet, she never showed him her pain. She would sit quietly, enduring his taunts, his cruelty, and the suffocating loneliness that surrounded her. Her only reprieve was the work she did outside the house, as a teacher at Jujutsu High, where she poured all her energy into her students. But even there, whispers followed her. The strongest female sorcerer, yet she couldn't even keep her husband in line.

The breaking point came five months into the marriage. One evening, after hearing Gojo brag once again about his latest conquest—this time right in their own room, with a woman draped across him, Y/N had had enough.

She had always been calm, collected, and reserved, but something inside her snapped. She couldn't live like this anymore, couldn't bear the humiliation, the loneliness, the constant ache in her chest.

"I want a divorce."

The words left her lips with more force than she expected. Gojo looked at her, genuinely surprised for the first time since they'd married. For a moment, silence filled the room. The woman beside him snickered, clearly amused, but Y/N's eyes were only on Gojo.

He leaned back, a smirk playing on his lips. "You sure?" His voice was mocking, as if he found her request amusing. "Running away already?"

Y/N's heart pounded, but she met his gaze steadily. "Yes. I don't want to spend another minute with a man like you."

Gojo's smirk faltered just slightly, though he quickly covered it up with a careless shrug. "Fine," he said, his tone indifferent. "I'll sign the papers."

And he did. With no hesitation, no remorse, Gojo signed the divorce papers the next day. Y/N left their home immediately, her heart heavy but her spirit unbroken. She vowed to never look back. She buried the memories of their marriage deep within herself, focusing instead on her work, on rebuilding her life, far from him.

Years passed, and Gojo found himself haunted by the memories of Y/N. At first, he barely noticed her absence, continuing with his life as though nothing had changed. But slowly, something began to shift. The women, the flings, the distractions—they all began to feel hollow. He found himself thinking of Y/N more and more. Her silence, her calm demeanor, her kindness. She had always been there, like a steady presence, never asking for anything, never demanding his attention, yet always... there.

Now she was gone. And in her absence, Gojo realized something he had never admitted to himself. He had loved her. He loved her still.

But it was too late. The woman who had once been his wife, who had silently endured his cruelty, now hated him. And Gojo, for all his power, could do nothing to change that.

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