What's it's like to be strong

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" Take a right here " said Ginny after twenty minutes of driving away from their neighborhood, it was nearing dark, " why? where does it lead?" Lori asked not sure why This girl was giving her orders. " You do not want to be on the interstate " the red head said while looking at a map with a weird stick? Carl was busy playing with his D's. "Everyone else will have the same idea, back roads are safer " Ginny explained as Lori nodded taking the right which was only a dirt road.

" Where are we going? a refugee camp? " Asked Lori having no idea what and where to go, " no, those will be overrun " Ginny said bluntly. It was true it was safe until it wasn't, to many people and will be to many infected that would be missed. It had happened in her world where what was thought to be inferi had not been.

They had been unprepared.

Ginny had left Britain in hopes of a new start after her Divorce. After the war she had married a pureblood named Luther Keel, He had been charming, handsome, kind and understanding or so she had thought. She had been a fool to fall for such lies. You would have thought she learned her lesson with Tom Riddle diary and being the war harden veteran she was. All she wanted was to make her mother happy after she had been so heartbroken when she found out her and Harry were not together. It upset her that everyone thought she would marry him like it had been planned? her mother had let it slip that Dumbledore had made a promise to her.

Most thought her and Harry would marry but they had been wrong. She had a crush on him of course in her school days when she had just been an awe struck fan before she really got to know him, His childhood and how he couldn't stand the touch of anyone but her brother and Hermione after the war. Maybe if hadn't been the war they might have ended up together, but it was not to be.

She was glad to be over her old silly crush he was more of a brother to her than a love interest.

She had met Luther Two years after the war during a charity for the ones who had lost their homes in the war, most were burned down during raids by death eaters. He had been so charming that she fell right into his trap. Her mother had been overjoyed and her father had not been, not happy with his only daughter growing up. {she will always be a baby in his eyes lol}. her brothers the same but they too had also been charmed by Luther. Six months later she was married and living the dream.

It wasn't until a year later when she learned she couldn't conceive an heir that everything went wrong, most purebloods have a hard time having children due to the inbreeding in the past, so most be lucky if they have one. The Weasley were an exception since they tend to have many children, and she was one in six. Her father had also been one six siblings'. After being seen by a healer and after long exams it was concluded that she had been hit by a dark spell in the war that had done damage to her womb and was never properly diagnosed to be able to reverse the damage it had caused.

Ginny had broken down in tears, Luther had been angry, he had not comforted her, his time had been wasted with her, Ginny soon learned the only reason he had even married her was in hopes of her having many children since she was a Weasley. He had been from a lesser-known bloodline and had everything, but an heir and he had wanted at least three out of her and more if he was lucky.

Ginny lost it, angry and betrayed she had cast a powerful bone breaking curse at him. Many, many broken bones and very painful. She was also about to cast the Cruciatus curse on him if a Medi Witch hadn't intervened.

" Hey " Ginny was snapped out of her thoughts as Lori waved a hand in front of her face, The car had come to halt on the side of the road. " Why did we stop?" she questioned the woman. Rick wife if she remembered, they met at some barbeque, she had wanted to slice her nose off the moment she met her, she kept looking at everyone down her nose it was annoying and reminded her to much of her past. Being a Weasley, she was used to it her family had been blood traitors and dirt poor. She used to be ashamed of herself and her family because of how poor they were and what everyone thought of them. Growing up she had her brothers hand me downs, no new books or trunks, being a girl though her mother would often buy her new clothes she had it better than her brothers.

She took them for granted.

In their fourth year, it had been spring, and she was in her crush stage, she had complained about something, could have been their lack of money or anything really, she couldn't remember what it was, but it had set Harry off. All she could remember was the look on Harry face and he was mad. It was the day she learned of his childhood or what she could really piece together, he hadn't let too much slip through but just enough for to get the picture, she had been lucky, having a large family that loved each other.

" Well, we need a plan not just driving around," said Lori, right, she had just been about to apparated to her parents' home when she spotted Lori and her son, her plan had been to get them somewhere safe out of respect she had to Rick and then leave to find her family. Carl having heard the conversation looked up from his game.

" There's a quarry up ahead somewhere, it safer to be out of the city and away from people, this thing, it moves fast once infected, I've seen it. they come back they always come back " explained Ginny. " What is it? " Lori asked, Ginny was a police officer, had been on the front lines. " I don't know, all I know is that it is incurable, the infection kills you always. then you reanimate is all I know, a gunshot to the head works " The red head explained. " that's all I know" she added.

" Like zombies " Carl said thinking of his video games. Ginny looked to him, " yes, " she nodded giving a warm smile to the boy. She was glad her father took an interest in muggle stuff; it made it easier for her to blend in even if she was still learning. She will admit she hadn't been invested in learning about muggles as her father was and didn't understand her father's obsession with them.

He used to go on for hours trying to figure out the use of a rubber duck.

She was still getting use to the Telly and phone Rick and Shane had helped pick out and install. They had given her funny looks, but she had just given the excuse that her parents didn't believe in Technolgy and that was how she was raised.

It amazed how far muggles have advanced without the use of magic. To be able to call someone on the other side of the world within seconds instead of waiting a day or two for an owl to deliver a letter.

" Okay " Lori said mind reeling, this cannot be happening. she felt like she couldn't breathe, her throat constricted. " Mom?" Carl called concerned as the Black-haired woman climbed out of the car, she felt panic run through her.

Ginny cursed realizing and got out of the car following the woman who was on her knees in the dirt. " Stay in the car " she told Carl, she knelt beside Lori hands on her shoulders to steady her. " Lori? Breath out slowly and gently, count one to five slowly " she said rubbing her shoulders. It was understandable, she just had her whole world ripped out from under her, she couldn't handle it. she had been the same way when her older brother had been killed and her home burned.

So many of her friends dying and the fear of death eaters.

The things she did to stay alive and protect her family. They say it had been a spell that had damaged her womb, but she knew it had to be the dark magic she had used. While Her Brother and Harry and Heroine Were out hunting down Horcrux she had been out hunting down death eaters without anyone knowing. After losing Fred, she couldn't bare to lose another member of her family, so she had taught herself how to hide her magic courtesy of the Black library where she also picked up dark spells.

Bellatrix Lestrange had been the same way, she could not give birth to a child due to the dark magic she used, it had ruined her.

After ten minutes of repeating the same exercise Lori began to breathe normally and held her hand tightly. " Thank you " Lori said still shaky. " Any time " Ginny said as Carl appeared out of nowhere and hugged his mother scared.

Just then Ginny heard snarling and looked up to see a walking corpse coming out the woods, it was a man in and orange jacket and had a noose around his neck, he was stumbling there way. " Get back in the car " Ginny commanded eyes hard as she raised her wand and sent a blasting curse at its head forgetting about secrecy.

Lori eyes widen watching as a color came out the stick and blasted the man head off. Not believing her eyes. " Get in the car! " Demanded Ginny. Lori did as she was told wanting to ask want was that just now, but this was not the moment.

Ginny realizing what she did wanted to kick herself she had reacted on instinct. Muggles don't react well to magic she had learned from Harry. 

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