Where do we go from here

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Ginny threw her bag in the trunk making room for anyone who decided to join her, she hoped they did because staying here was suicidal. But part of herm the selfish part of her hoped they didn't, it would be so much easier to just use her magic and focus on finding her family. She planned on finding the nearest magical Alley. She couldn't apparat because it was too far and floo was down. She had no clue what home looked like now. if it was anything like the muggle world then there was no hope, this virus spread to fast and wide.

" Hey" Ginny was knocked out of her thought as Lori appeared," hey, so are you coming?" she asked as the dark-haired woman sighed. " I don't know yet?" Lori said leaning on the car. " You know it suicidal to stay here, especially with him, you noticed how he been acting right? " Ginny said as Lori rubbed her forehead, a headache coming on. " But what he says is a good idea" she tried as Ginny raised a eye. " yes, it is, but we don't have the Resouces and manpower, we may be a big group, but it takes a lot just to make sure everyone pulls their weight, maybe a month ago we could have managed it but now we don't have time, and another herd could come upon us anytime " Ginny said.

" And not to forget he littery dismantled the defense system? he's losing it " Ginny added as Glen walked up with a duffel bag over his shoulder, it was another thirty minutes to dark. Glen would rather take his chances with Ginny over Shane. Ginny looked up to the boy, Glen fiddled with his sleeve," hey " he said as Ginny nodded. " Just toss it in the back next to mine" she pointed to the back, He did as he was told.

Lori frowned and walked away, she went to find Carl who was playing with Sophia, she didn't see Shane anywhere, so she went and packed, Ginny was right, the man was losing it, no sane person would go and dismantle a defense system like that. She didn't know what was going through Shane's mind. At first, she had been glad when he found them and had taken leadership of the group. They were safe and had a normal routine, she knew what the other women thought of her, especially Andrea who was quite vocal.

" Carl sweety" she found the boy who was playing with Sophia, carol was keeping an eye on the two while sewing a ripped shirt, Ed wasn't around, he must be somewhere off drinking. " yeah mom" Carl looked up he had a small teacup in his hand, it belonged to a tea set that Ginny had gotten her. The two were having a tea party, It was a good thing ed or Shane were not around, or they would have a few choices of words at the boy playing a girl's game.

Lori bent crouched down next to the boy" I need you to go pack and please don't say anything if you see Shane " she said as Carl eyes widen, so did Carols and Sophia. " Your leaving " Carol whispered. Lori nodded, " yes, you can come to" said Lori as Carol looked unsure, she wanted to go but ed would not let her. " we leave in an hour, if you change your mind " said Lori seeing carols struggle.

Lori pulled carl to their tent and quickly stared packing, they need to hurry, she did not want Shane to know she was leaving, she didn't know how he would react. Carol watched the two leave and looked to Sophia who looked upset at her friend leaving.

Carl looked back to Sophia with longing " but mom i don't want to go " he complained as Lori packed " we need to " Lori said as carl grit his teeth " what about Sophia " he said making Lori sigh " they might go to, now start packing " she said as that seemed to satisfy the boy.

Ginny was looking at a map with glen beside her, " Not this road, it's really piled up " Said glen pointing at the map, being he was the main one to go out, he had better knowledge on what roads were better than others. Ginny frowned, just then Lori appeared with carl and their bags in tow. Lori tossed the bags in the back and set carl in the back seat. Ginny was glad the woman came to her senses.

Lori came up beside Ginny and looked at the map, " do you know where we are going? " She asked as ginny sighed, " we need to find a place to hold up in for winter, a secure building of sorts, " She explained as Lori nodded in understanding. it made sense, when winter comes these tents won't do much and with the risk of the dead it was suicidal. " maybe an apartment complex or hotel " Glen suggested as Ginny perked up. " that's a great idea, we could barrack the doors at the bottom, and we would have Shetler from the weather " Ginny said.

" we could drive until we find one " she said thinking of the plenty of small hotels that lines the interstate, there were a lot they could choose, not to mention scavenge from. Ginny nodded, just then they heard someone walking behind them and they turned to see a nervous carol coming towards them with Sophia clinging to her, she had carried two bags.

Lori smiled glad the woman was coming, she was worried Carl would lose his friend, he seemed to take a liken to Sophia. Ginny not seeing Ed took that as a sign carol was sneaking away which was fine with her. " Just put them in the back " Ginny told her as the woman gave a small smile, Sophia hopped in the car next to carl who lit up like a Christmas tree " Sophia " he cheered hugging the girl making the girl flinch at the contact, but Carl didn't notice.

Lori noticed and sighed, Sophia reminded her of her younger self before she met Rick, it broke her heart but maybe them being away from ed would help heal them both, she knows it worked for her when she married Rick, she had gotten away from her abusive father. Her father had been a terrible man and the day he died in that drunken car accident was the day she truly felt free and knew Carl would never have to meet that man.

" We already have an idea on where to go " Said Ginny as carol nodded, " a hotel, it will give us better shelter from the weather and the dead instead of a open campsite and tents," Said Ginny. " That sounds good " Carol nodded.

Ginny looked to the sky, it had darkened quite a bit, she had originally planned to leave in the morning, that would have given them more daylight to work with but considering carol had come without Ed consent was a hitch in plans, not to mention Shane who would most likely try to stop Lori from leaving. They would need to leave now; Shane and Ed were nowhere in sight but that wouldn't be long.

" Alright we are leaving in five, make sure you have everything because we are not coming back " she said folding the map up. " Um what about seats? "Asked glen getting a better look at the car. " Glen up front and the kids in laps " Said Ginny looking at the five, they could make it fit.

Ginny climbed into the car and cranked it up, Glen hopped in while carol and Lori situated themselves in the back, " if we get lucky and find a running car with gas then we can have one of us drive that one" said Ginny as all doors slammed shut. Ginny put the car in drive and drove to the small road that led up to the campsite, it was there she seen both Daryle and Merle, Daryle in his truck and Merle on his bike.

Merle pulled up to Ginny's window as she rolled the window down, " so have you decided yet" she asked as Merle looked in the car and backseat, he made a face at Lori and Glen. " Yeah, we'll come " he grumbled as Ginny chuckled, " right now we just plan on finding a hotel or apartment complex to hold up in, at least for the winter" she told him as he nodded. " Unless you have any better ideas" she asked as Merle eyes widen in surprise, not used to someone asking his thoughts.

" Sounds good to me " he said, " I'll take front " he said cranking up his bike as Ginny nodded, the eight pulled out the Quarry, Merel on his bike leading the way, Ginny in the middle and Daryle in the back.

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