I won't pretend to understand but I won't judge either

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Bit rushed hope you like it.
wasn't sure how to write this chapter, I wanted Lori and Carl to know early on about Ginny magic.
Also think I messed up the timeline of the bombing but oh well.
I live off of comments and kudos and it tells me if people like this story

It wasn't until another fifteen minutes that they finally reached the quarry. Lori pulled to a stop into the empty area and cut the engine off. It was quite with just the sound of Carls D's that had been forgotten in favor of asking a million-questions directed at Ginny who had been oddly silent. " Carl! " Lori scolded him. Lori wasn't sure what she saw or even understand what the red head did.

" Are you a wizard? " Asked Carl making Lori frown. Meanwhile Ginny was thinking of ways to wipe their minds. But that been the one thing she had never been good at. Memory charms, just her luck.

" What was that " Lori finally asked. " What you did back there, something came out of that stick" Lori added watching the red head carefully. Ginny turned to her. She sighed. " What do you think it was " she fired back. Lori eyes widen slightly.

" Magic " Carl said excited as Lori felt like she was about to have another panic attack. Ginny watched the woman with harden eyes. If they could accept magic, then this would go so much easier. Carl seemed to not have a problem with it. But he was a child, children were much more adaptable than adults. They tend to bounce back from things.

" Magic isn't real " Lori denied. " Yeah, the dead not coming back to life either " Ginny shot back. She climbed out of the car and pulled out her wand. Carl and Lori did the same. " Wingardium Leviosa " Ginny chanted the easy and simple spell she learned in her first year on an old fallen tree branch. It raised up Infront of them about ten feet off the ground. Lori watched in awe and fear while Carl cheered. " that's so cool" Carl said as Ginny released the spell.

" I have magic yes, I'm a witch not a wizard " Said Ginny pointily to Carl who flushed. Lori stared at the red head. " I also know what you're thinking but no this plague or whatever this is, it was not caused by my kind either......we were just as unprepared as was you " Ginny says truthfully.

That was exactly what she was thinking. Lori rubbed her forehead feeling a headache coming on, she felt overwhelmed. It had been a long time since she felt like this.

Just a Lori was about to respond they heard an eigne in the distance. " Carl get in the car " both Lori and Ginny ordered at the same time causing them to look at each other in surprise. " we will discussed this later " Lori said voice hard. She needed time to think, a lot of it. Ginny nodded taking that as a good sign. Soon a Rv came pulling in and a few other cars in tow behind them.

Lori also recognized a familiar car. It was Shane's, Ginny also seemed to recognize it to as she lowered her guard some and put her wand away in favor of her gun. lest she make another mistake of outing herself again.

" Lori? " She heard Shane's voice as his car came to a halt, a surprise and relived look on his face as he quickly climbed out of the car and ran straight for her and Carl. " Lori wrapped her arms around him happy he was okay. He pulled carl into the hug to. Behind them was a group of faces she didn't know. An old man and two blond women who looked like his daughter's, two Latino couple with children, a woman and her daughter and more. at least a dozen.

" What happened I thought I told you to wait " Shane asked. He had been in a panic when he had got there, and they were already gone with nothing but a note. " I know and we did wait but it was getting too dangerous, a man showed up and held us at gun point, if it wasn't for Ginny I don't know what would have happened" Lori sobbed. Shane froze in horror at the thought of him being too late. It didn't sit well with him. He looked to the red head who was his coworker. They didn't get along at all, but he couldn't help but be thankful that she was there when he couldn't be.

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