Pit stop

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The small group drove for at least a good hour and made sure to leave no trace, After Ginny had stopped in guise of a bathroom break, she had pulled bother Merle and Daryle to the side and told them about Shane and Ed. " we can't have Shane coming after us, I want us as far away as possible " she told them while leaning against the truck. It was dark and they needed to move. " We got it " Merle lit a cigarette and passed on to Daryle, he offers one to Ginny who shook her head.

" So the ass swipes might come after us huh, I'd like to see them try " Merle eyes narrowed as he looked to the car where the two women were chatting.

Before they could continue their conversation, they heard rustling in the bushes and snarls of the dead. that was their que to leave, Ginny went and dragged the others in the car just in time as a small heard appear, she had just shut the door a body hit her window. Sophia shrieked as carol held her close. Ginny cranked the car and followed Merle leaving behind the herd. Having no idea that could possibly be the same herd that would in time go through their old camp.

It was another hour that they found a small connivance store to hold up in for the night. Daryle and Ginny went and hid the cars and bike in the back and covered it up with brush. Merle was busy inside taking care of the three walkers. By the time the two returned Merle was already in the boos and Cigs. " This will do " she said seeing as the windows were already barracked. Those three must have been hold up here. one must have been sick and turned and attacked the other two. She already had the theory that one did not need to be bit to turn, she had seen dead without any bites or scratches on them.

It made sense, for this virus to have spread so quickly.

The store was full of food and supplies thankfully, Lori was already grabbing canned soups and Raman packs off the shelf, they had not had a proper meal in a while and with the numbers down in size they didn't have to ration as much. Carl grabbed a box of strawberry pop tarts and ran to Sophia the two giggling and running off with their find. Ginny rolled her eyes at the two. She would have to give them the talk of rationing but not tonight, she would let them be.

Ginny and Daryle barracked the door once everyone had what they needed, Lori and carol were setting there's and the children sleeping bags down, there was only one lantern lit and kept low as to not draw unwanted attention. Ginny set up a ward that lets her know if living people come near. It wasn't only the dead you had to worry about but the living to. It didn't help Shane might come after them either.

Ginny had pulled a small gas stove from her trunk and made it look lie she had it all along, Lori raised an eyebrow at this, she knew for a fact the red head did not have the gas stove in the car. She said nothing as the others bought her lie. They cooked the canned noodle soup and ramen, they found cranberry juice that was not expired. everyone enjoyed that immensely as they had not had anything else besides water in the last month, it was rare to find anything else.

Ginny inhaled her ramen; she was lucky it wasn't stale but given a few more months it would soon be. Even though she had a trunk full of food she did not take much from it. she only took what was needed and when she topped off the groups food supplies without being noticed. No one questioned of there was a few extra canned goods or oatmeal in the basket.

" We get up at daylight, I will take first watch " she said from her spot behind the counter, she held a small 22 in her hand and a hunting knife on her waist. " I'll take second " Daryle volunteered as Merle grunted. They both knew he would be to wasted to take watch, he had already downed half a bottle of whiskey.

" Did I ever tell you about the time I used bread to wipe my ass? You See I was in this shitty little bar and there was this chick named Lolo and this- " Merle began, oh it was going to be a long night.

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