Meeting over the campfire

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Daryle followed the redhead as they broke the tree line and into the small camp, it had to be noon judging by the sun and they were back earlier than expected considering when one went hunting, they would stay away at least a day or two, but it had only been an hour or two since they left. Carol watches the two being the only one to notice them come out the woods, she saw no big haul so it couldn't be what brought them back so soon.

She seen the rabbits on Daryle's belt, but she knew the man would keep going until he found a bigger prey to hunt. Same with Ginny, the woman had been a god send to her, she had taught her how to throw a knife in the last month or so and taught her how to skin and clean an animal with Merle's assistance. Carole had been squeamish at the sight of blood and guts Ginny and Merle demonstrated how to clean the small squirrel Daryle had caught.

Carole was still not used to the man and his loud and brash ways. Every word that came out of his mouth was an insult or lewd. Ginny seemed to think the man was funny though, Carol wished she could be as strong a Ginny, the redhead seemed to not fear anything. The first few days of being here the redhead had put Ed in his place, since then he hadn't looked at her wrong at least not in public, Ginny and the Dixon brothers always watched him and gave pointed looks to the man. Sophia liked to follow Ginny around, Carol could tell her daughter looked up to the redhead.

" Gather everyone and meet us at the fire in ten minutes, we need to talk " ordered Ginny knocking Carol out of her thoughts, from the tone of Ginny voice and the serious look on her face something happened. Daryle was right behind the redhead, a serious look on his face.

" What happened?" asked T dog coming behind Carol. " In ten minutes, need everyone here " said Ginny moving towards her tent, she spotted Lori with Shane and Carl by a tree. Daryle was gone most likely headed to find his brother. " Shane, we got a problem " said Ginny walking there way as the dark-haired man stood up. " What happened? " He asked alert. " Just came back from a hunting trip, me and Daryle came across the dead, a lot of them ten or twenty " she told him as his eyes widen in shock.

Shane face paled " where?" he asked as Lori gasped in horror. " Not far, maybe fifteen twenty minutes out, too close for comfort, we were able to take them out " Ginny said as Shane rubbed his head. " I already called a meeting everyone should arrive by now " she said making Shane grit his teeth. He did not want no one to know about this, this place was the safest there was and had been good to them. Ginny turned away to head towards the fire followed by Lori who had Carl close to her. Both missed the glare directed at Ginny. He did not like her going behind his back and making calls like this. He was the one supposed to protect this group, he was the one responsible for protecting Lori and Carl not Ginny.

Lori kept her hand on Carl shoulder and eyed the tree lines for any threat, her paranoia was getting to her, she knew she was safe with Ginny and the Dixons here, and the group was large enough to defend itself. Dale was on top of the camper like normal with his shot gun in his lap, but he had moved his chair closer to the end of the camper that overlooked the fire but where he still be able to keep an eye out for danger.

Andrea and Amy were next to each other, Merle appeared with Daryle not far behind, if one was to look to their area on the out skirts of the camp they would notice almost most of their stuff was already packed, one tent was already down and stuff halfway packed and sitting on the back of Daryle truck, The two brothers being experts in having to get up and go always carried light and made sure to be prepared, most of all of their belongings stayed on the truck.

Ginny was the same way; she had an old ugly green Volkswagen beetle that her father would have loved to have tinkered with. She had gotten it when she left Britain and had come across a car lot and bought the cheap car to blend in with muggles. She kept most of her stuff in there, like her bag of clothes and small supplies such as a box of food and general everyday items like a skillet and spatula and ect. She kept what she didn't want the group to see in a trunk she had shrunken down to fit in her pocket. She had cleared out many stores taking whatever looked of use with her, she kept the frozen foods and foods that go bad fast on a persevering spell.

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