Highway Herd

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Ginny awoke to the sound of a crash, her eyes shot open, and she sat up and pointed her gun in the direction it came from, right into Daryle face, the red neck eyes widen but he stayed calm. He had been through this with Merle quite a few times before, he knew not to move or else. Ginny eyes focused and she lowered the gun. She looked behind Daryl head and saw that Lori had knocked a stand of small toys over, " sorry" Lori whispered as carl and Sophia were busy oping the cheap toys up, they were mainly sliming putty or cheap cap guns that were sold in a standard connivance store.

" Sorry about that" Ginny sighed as Daryle leaned back, he had been about to wake the redhead seeing as it was daylight. " It's fine, its morning " he said as Ginny looked to the window, she could see the sunrise, she had switched with her shift with Daryle at one. it had taken a while to fall asleep, but she managed, Daryle eyes her as she pulled the covers off her and folded them up neatly.

" We should get moving, the dead are starting to gather out there " he said as he pointed out the window and indeed, they were, there was at least ten out there, if they leave now and dealt with them now before more cam they would be on their way.

Ginny frowned as a thought crossed her mind, " we need more gas?" she said as Daryle stood up, " Merle on it, the gas pumps were empty but there was gas stored in a back room, must have been those suckers over there doing" Daryle shot a thumb to the three bodies that were pulled in the woods.

" oh " Ginny nodded, suddenly there was a plate of food shoved in her face " here " Daryle grunted as Ginny took the plate of what looked like canned spam and tinned eggs? she looked back up to the older, but he was already walking away. Ginny smiled; he was so shy.

She scarfed her food down quickly and stood up, they had no time to waste, Shane had to know the girls were gone by now and she had no clue if he would come looking, they couldn't risk staying here any longer. they needed to move.

" Aright we leave in twenty, take what we can " she said to the small group, she could see Glen eyeing everything in the room. the group worked quickly clearing the shelves and the back room, they scored on the jugs of gas. Daryle stocked up on cigarettes while Ginny destroyed the boos while Merle wasn't looking. The man had been trashed the whole night. Daryle seeing ginny pour the ligure out back chuckled.

Lori grabbed the female items off the shelf, pads, tampons, shampoo and soap and ect.

Once the store was clear and everyone had loaded Daryle truck with stuff and covered it up with a tarp, Merle and Ginny were taking care of the few walkers that had gathered up front. Ginny stabbed the last one with her blade. " Alright its time to go " she said to Merle who nodded. the man made his way to his bike as the others hopped in the cars. They were lucky and found a small white car that still runs so Carol and Sophia were driving that one. they had packed their trunk with supplies from the store.

The group continued down the highway, stopping every ten minutes or so at piles up and having to move them and g through them when they had time, they found a lot of supplies that way. Lori had been iffy about it, but Ginny managed to convince her it was survival.

after two hours of this the group came upon a big pile up, " alright you know the drill" Ginny called out as everyone stepped out of their cars. Daryle eyes on the graveyard of cars and bow and arrow at the ready, Merle was the same way, they could see further down was a dead. " Make it fast " Merle called as Glen was already going through cars with practice ease.

Ginny and Daryle went and began moving cars out of the way, there was a large bus that had tipped over and blocked the road, " we can drive around that if we clear a path" said ginny pointing to the ditch as Daryle nodded.

Carol and Lori were further down clearing cars and spray-painting a x on each, Carl and Sophia had wondered further away without both women noticing when they heard it, the snarls of the dead, Lori head shot up and when she couldn't see the children her eyes widen in panic. " Carl " she called as more snarls were heard, Carol looked up as well just as a zombie came around the corner of an overturned ambulance, she shrieked just as an arrow embedded itself in the zombie's head before it could grab her.

Carol jerked around to see Daryle running her way while reloading his arrow followed by Ginny and Glen, Merel was on top of the bus getting a better view. " shit there too many " Merle yelled seeing at least forty headed there way, in less than a minute they would be on top of them.

" The kids " Lori gasped out in sobs as she called their names, " Carl! " She yelled as Daryle pulled her back , Carol was the same, " Sophia " she screamed just more dead came around the cars. " I know, but we need to move now, were no good if were dead " Said Ginny shooting the zombie in the head as Daryle dragged Lori away. " Fuck " Merle hissed as he spotted both Carl and Sophia run into the woods followed by two walkers.

Daryle threw Lori into an abandoned car and slammed the door shut, " stay there " he yelled at her as he turned and brought down another zombie. Merle was firing off his own arrows from his spot, he had the advantage, glen used his crowbar to take out two next to him, suddenly he tripped over a body and fell backwards, " shit" he cursed as another zombie appeared and fell on him, snarling and biting at him, an arrow went through it head. Glen pushed the body off and looked up to see Merle reloading." get your ass up China man " yelled the red neck.

After twenty minutes of taking out the herd, Carol and Lori were a sobbing mess, " we need to go after them" Carol sobbed as Lori climbed out of the car, she ran to ginny, " you need to find please, you need to, you need to use it " she said as ginny eyes widen at what Lori meant, " I know you can " Lori sobbed clinging to the red head.

" I saw them run into those woods over there" pointed Merle to the left. " Me and Daryle will go after them, we can track them " he said as Daryle nodded. " You stay here, move these cars, cause when we get back, we need to move" Merle ordered. Ginny nodded, she wished she had put a tracking spell on the children, but she hadn't thought of it.

Lori sobbed harder " I should have been paying attention " she sobbed as Merle grunted, " when we bring those brats back, we are going to have a long discussion about wondering off " he growled walking away. Carol tried to follow the two, but Ginny stopped her. " we are no good, we will only get in there way " said ginny knowing that the two women would run off ahead and draw attention to themselves or worse mess the tracks up by accident and it would be hard to focus with two sobbing mothers right next you.

Darye followed his brother not far behind, he picked up arrows out of the dead and cleaned them, they hopped over the guard rail and followed the tracks. " Two zoms were right on their tail " merle said eyes falling the trails, it led them to a small stream, after a moment of searching Daryle pointed to a hill where he saw tracks, Merle nodded and continued, both silent and alert.

They walked for at least an hour until they came across a small clearly, it was getting late now, " how far could those brats have gotten? "Merle growled just as they heard a gunshot and scream.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11 ⏰

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