The Dead cross the mountain

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Daryle watched the red head silently, the women made no sound as she walked clearly experienced, He knew she was a police officer but even the officers he had met never had the control she had, the way she acted, she reminded him of Merle when he's sober, a veteran who was always on guard, but that couldn't be she was too young for that and not much happens in small towns. she had more sense than that asshole who called himself a leader, all he did was waltz around with a gun in hand and give out orders, the man even sleeping with his dead best friend's wife or that's what he heard from Merle who heard it from Amy.

Him and Merle weren't meant to stay so long with the group, but it had ended that way, originally, they were going to just rob them blind and move on but decided against that. Something about the small red headed woman that had stood behind Shane told them they wouldn't get away Scott free. Shane may think he was the boss, but Daryle knew if push comes to shove Ginny was a true leader, he could see it in the way she walked. Hell, it had been her idea to set up the defense system that Shane took down, that had pissed him off.

Ginny heard a twig snap and within a second, she jerked her body and let loose an arrow, right into a walker's head, " shit " she hissed seeing behind the down walker, there was a small herd of maybe twenty or less coming their way.

Daryle prepared his bow, " we can't let that herd make it to camp " Ginny said unsheathing her hunting knife. The herd was not far from camp, if they don't deal with it now this will come back and bite them in the ass later. Daryle eyes the closest walker, he shot it with his bow and took another down with his own knife, Ginny took down her own walker, after ten minutes of running and leading the walkers away and slowly killing them off, Ginny, dug her knife out of the walker's skull and wiped the blood of on her pant leg.

Ginny didn't like the idea of not able to use her magic freely, she could of easily took that herd out from a safe distance with a few blasting curses. Don't get her wrong it was good not to rely on a wand but it will soon take it's toll on her as time passes. She was still experimenting with wards when she could without the group hovering over her shoulder and the only thing she has come up was a well being ward that medi witches use on there patients.

She has yet to test it yet.

" This is concerning " she said sheathing her knife, eyes searching the woods for more danger, so far it seemed clear. " yeah" Daryle agreed watching her. He needed to tell Merle; it may be time to leave. " They're leaving the cities " Ginny added as she turned on her foot and made her way towards camp. "If we hadn't been out here and that herd would have come across us at night it would have been a disaster " she said fingers inching for her wand. She knew now it was time to leave, she couldn't stay here any longer it was no longer safe.

Ginny eyed the other, she could tell he wanted to continue hunting, " were turning back, it's not safe out here, especially on your own, I know you know how to handle yourself " she said seeing the offended look on his face " but its going to be dark soon and there may be more out here, plus any big game would have moved after that group of dead" Ginny said making a point. She didnt want daryl out here alone, at least with out someone watching his back.

Someone like her or Merle.

Just that group alone took them a while to dipatch.

Daryl grumble hating that she was right. He just shrugged and followed her toward the direction of the camp. If it had been anyone else, he might have just decked them and went on his way, but he held a small amount of respect for her.

On the way back they managed to catch two rabbits and a squirrel that had been caught in one of Daryle's traps he had set the day before, the other traps were either empty or a walker had gotten to it, that was not a good sign. 

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