Chapter 6: First Signs of Change

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As the days passed under the blanket of lockdown, the four friends settled into a routine that balanced fun and responsibilities. Each day had its rhythm—early morning yoga sessions on the terrace, group cooking marathons, and late-night game nights that often ended in laughter and shared stories. The world outside their bubble had changed, but within their small haven, life felt suspended in time.

Yet, Kavya couldn't shake the feeling that something was shifting, something subtle but significant. At first, it was easy to dismiss it as the inevitable weariness of lockdown—everyone was bound to feel restless at some point. But as the days turned into weeks, that undercurrent of tension became harder to ignore. And more often than not, that tension seemed to revolve around Siddharth.

Kavya had always felt close to him. There was an easy connection between them, a shared understanding that required few words. But lately, he seemed distracted. He would laugh and joke like usual, but his laughter felt a bit hollow, his eyes didn't light up the way they used to. She caught him staring off into the distance during their terrace yoga sessions or zoning out during their card games. It wasn't overt, but it was enough to make Kavya worry.

One evening, as the sun began to dip below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Kavya decided she couldn't ignore it any longer. The four of them had gathered on the terrace, as they often did, to watch the sunset and unwind from the day. Rohit and Aarav were engrossed in a debate about which superhero movie had the best fight scenes, but Kavya's focus was solely on Siddharth. He sat quietly, his gaze fixed on the horizon, seemingly oblivious to the conversation around him.

"Hey, can we talk?" Kavya asked softly, moving to sit beside him. Her heart raced as she watched him, hoping he wouldn't brush her off.

Siddharth turned to her, his smile faint, a mere shadow of his usual easy grin. "Sure, what's up?"

Kavya hesitated for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "Something feels different between us lately. I've noticed you've been a bit distant. Are you okay?"

His eyes flickered with something unreadable, and he quickly looked away, his gaze once again fixated on the fading sun. "I'm fine. Just... thinking a lot, I guess."

Kavya felt a pang of disappointment at his evasive answer. "Thinking about what?"

For a moment, it seemed like he wouldn't answer. He shifted uncomfortably, his hands fidgeting in his lap. "About everything," he finally said, his voice barely above a whisper. "The lockdown, what comes after, life in general. It's a lot."

Kavya reached out, her fingers gently brushing against his arm. "You don't have to go through it alone. You can talk to me, Sid. I'm here for you."

He met her gaze then, his eyes filled with uncertainty. "I know," he said softly. "But it's not easy. I keep thinking about how things might change when this is all over. I've grown used to this... to us. And I'm scared of what might happen when life goes back to normal."

The vulnerability in his voice made Kavya's heart ache. She had sensed the growing connection between them, but hearing him voice his fears made it all the more real. "Change doesn't have to be bad," she said, her own voice trembling slightly. "Maybe it'll bring us closer."

Siddharth's lips quirked into a half-smile, but there was still a flicker of doubt in his eyes. "Maybe. But what if it doesn't? What if things get weird between us? What if we lose what we have?"

Kavya's chest tightened at the thought. She had grown so comfortable with him over these weeks, so used to his presence that the idea of losing him felt unbearable. "You won't lose me, Siddharth," she said firmly. "I care about you—deeply. This lockdown has brought us closer, hasn't it?"

Siddharth hesitated, his gaze searching hers for reassurance. "Has it? Or has it just put us in this bubble, away from the real world?"

Before Kavya could respond, Rohit and Aarav bounded over, their debate about superheroes clearly unresolved. "What are you two plotting over here?" Aarav teased, plopping down beside them with a wide grin.

Kavya forced a smile, the intimate moment with Siddharth slipping away as their friends joined them. "Nothing, just enjoying the sunset," she said lightly, though her heart was still heavy with unspoken words.

Siddharth, too, seemed to retreat into himself, his earlier vulnerability replaced with a carefully constructed mask of nonchalance. "Yeah, just talking," he added, though the strain in his voice was unmistakable.

As the evening wore on, the group fell into their usual rhythm of playful banter and games, but Kavya couldn't shake the sense of unease that had settled in her chest. She watched Siddharth out of the corner of her eye, noting the way he laughed a little too loudly at Aarav's jokes, or how he seemed to avoid making eye contact with her. It was as if a wall had sprung up between them, one that hadn't been there before.

Later that night, after the laughter had faded and everyone had retreated to their rooms, Kavya lay in bed, her thoughts consumed by Siddharth. She replayed their conversation over and over in her mind, wondering what she could have said differently. The weight of his words lingered, his fears echoing in her own heart. What if things did change? What if the bubble they had built during the lockdown burst, and everything they had shared was lost?

The thought terrified her.

Kavya wasn't sure when her feelings for Siddharth had begun to deepen beyond friendship. It had been a slow, steady realization—like the way the sun rises so gradually that you barely notice it until the sky is bright. But now that she knew, she couldn't ignore it. She cared about him more than she had ever expected to, and the idea of losing him scared her more than she was willing to admit.

As she stared up at the ceiling, the room bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, Kavya made a silent promise to herself. She wouldn't let this slip away. Whatever doubts or fears Siddharth had, she would help him through them. They had grown too close to let something like uncertainty tear them apart.

With that resolve firm in her heart, Kavya closed her eyes, hoping that tomorrow would bring them both a little closer to understanding—and a little further from the fear that had begun to creep into their relationship.

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