how many chapters will I need to name the same thing? (that rhymes..)

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"You, you want, Zayn?" Asks Perry, still shocked. "Yes." Answers Naughty boy. "For what?" "Well, I need, how do you say it, fame?" Replies Naughty Boy. "Fame? Really. You need to get that yourself. People will hate you if you do that." "Just, just, okay? I'm desperate." Says Naughty boy. "Sorry, but n-" Perry then gets hit in the face by a burrito, as naughty boy makes a run for it. The burrito was  greasy, and had a lot of beans in it, so it  took a while to recover. As Perry finally recovered, Naughty Boy was gone. Damn it. Perry thought. She then gets up, and goes home.

      "What do you want today?" "Oh, I would like to have a buzzcut and a dye job." "Okay, what color?" Asks the barber. "Surprise me." Replies Zayn. Zayn sure did surprise us, have you seen that hair? Lets just stick with natural, for future reference. As hours pass by, Zayn finally gets revealed to the mirror. "Wow..." says Zayn. "It's, it's, beautiful." "Yeah, very nice looking, Zayn." Says a voice from the next chair over. Zayn then turns his head, only to reveal Naughty Boy. "Okay, I'm just going to say this straight, join me, Zayn." Says Naughty Boy. "What?" Asks Zayn. "Leave those other boys. They are not as amazing and powerful as Zaughty." Naughty Boy says in a dark tone. "Zaughty?" "Yes, my Zayn, Zaughty." Naughty boy then shoots a look, a look that can always get a yes, along with his irresistible pucker on his lips. "You already have the buzzcut, green hair." "Now you just need me." Says Naughty boy. Zayn stares with a surprised look. "Come on, Zayn" "let's be Zaughty,  together." " I need to tell the boys..." "Then do it. But first, let's go on a trip."

                        Hey! It's CH talking! I hope you have found this interesting so far. I apologize for it not being as long, but I will definitely make the next chapters longer. Even if nobody's reading this, still, want to make sure. Also, go ahead and yell at me if I got the whole "Zaughty" thing wrong, I don't know too much about it...Okay, well, ill see you in chapter 4!

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