Naughty Boys swank new single

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    "Bad bitches is the only thing I like!" Zayn said as his he finished his first single with Naughty Boy. "Great, great." He said. "You go Zayn!" "Bad bitches is the only thing I like? Really?" Asked Zayn. "Yep." Zayn rolled his eyes and sat down with a water bottle. "Okay. Can I hear the story now?" Asked Zayn. "What story?" "Why you're in the SWAT team but also in the music business?" "Oh, right. Let's start here: So, when I was five my dad handed me a gun and said shoot me already. I sa-" "You said that already." Interrupted Zayn. "Oh did I?" "Yes." "I don't think I did." "Yes." "No...I don't think so?" "TELL ME THE DAMN REASON ALREADY!!!" "Fine, fine. Okay, so after a few years in the SWAT team and also I guess I already told you about how I worked in some top-secret illegal company." "WAIT WHAT?! NO YOU DIDN'T!" Yelled Zayn. "Oh...well I worked in some top-secret illegal company. Anyways, once that happened, and I tell you, it's SUPER illegal to work there. They have figured out some secrets that is not legal to know only unless you're apart of the U.S. government. But anyways, they found me out. My SWAT co-workers found out once when this asshole Toby followed me one day because he was in love with me-" "Sure." Said Zayn. "AS I WAS SAYING, Toby found out. He told the government. Damn Toby. Anyways before I knew, the SWAT team wasn't with me...they were now after me. I was fired, and put in jail for a lifetime sentence. After that---"

----In jail----

  "All prisoners, please make it out to the field for your daily exercise." Said an officer over the PA system. "Hey Steve, you hear that me and my group are going to break out today?" "What?" Said Steve (Naughty Boy) "How is that even possible? This prison has maximum security." " Wanna join?" Asked the stranger. "Well, I don't know... how are you planning this?" "Well, today is laundry day for the police. There uniforms will be in the laundry room later on today. So, we're going to head down there." "Sounds pretty risky. But brilliant. IM IN!" Said Naughty Boy as he high-fived the stranger.

---Later on---

  "Ready?" Said the stranger. "Yes." Answered Naughty Boy. They were ready to break out. They headed down to the laundry room. The police officers outfits were there. "Okay, grab one." "Alright." Naughty Boy was now nervous. They both grabbed police officer uniforms with the names Burt and Toby. "Damn Toby." Naughty Boy said under his breath. "What?" "Oh, nothing." They out on the uniforms and headed for the exit. "Excuse me!" Said an officer. Naughty Boy and the stranger froze. "How you all doing tonight!" The Two let out a sigh of relief. "We're all going to karaoke tonight, care to join?" "Umm, I have plans." "Me too...sorry." said Naughty Boy and the stranger. "Oh, alright. Bye!" They moved forward. " guys aren't Burt and Toby. They've left a few hours ago...who are you?" "RUN!" Naughty Boy and the stranger broke out in a run. The police officer chased them through the hallways of the jail. "SECURITY!!!" Eventually there was a pretty big crowd chasing them. The sirens went off throughout the prison. The stranger quickly grabbed a cart that was in the hallway for some reason, and threw it at them, causing everyone to fall down. They made it out throw the exit, and into the night. The end.

---Back to the studio---

  "Wow..." said Zayn. "Yeah! And that's when I changed my name to Naughty Boy and covered up as a musical artist." "But aren't you back on the SWAT team now?" Asked Zayn. "Yeah, they don't recognize me. I ate a bunch of burritos to change my figure, and now here I am." "So they don't have a clue?" Asked Zayn. "Yep." "WE GOT YOU KNOW STEVE!!!!""huh?" The recorder guy behind the stand was quickly recognized as...Toby. "RUN!" Yelled Naughty Boy.

---to be continued---

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