I dont know grammar

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You guys like my new cover? I have no idea how it came to that but I'm pretty proud of it. ON WITH THE STORY!
   The sun rose, shining its glamorous light on Naughty Boys "glamorous" face (lol) It was time to wake up. He had to meet up with Shane and officially work out there plan. "Zayn?" He said.
"Are you ready for today?" Asked Naughty Boy excitedly.
"We're breaking out! I'm so excited!"
"We're probably going to get caught...and don't say it so loud idiot." Zayn commented groggily.
"Whatever. Come on, we have to meet up with Shane."
   As breakfast rolled around, Naughty Boy and Zayn eventually sat down next to Shane.
"Hey guys!" Said Shane.
"SCREW YOU!" Screamed a voice from across the room. The three quickly looked over, seeing what the ruckus was about.
There were a few guys throwing plates at the  people behind the counter. "I SAID I WANT MY DAMN COOKIE!"
"Look you stupid-ass son of a bitch, we don't have any cookies today. Somebody took them all last night!"
"Oh, right. Oops..."
Zayn, Naughty Boy, and Shane all look back at each other. "Okay, anyways, we need to figure out each step of tonight." Said Shane.
"Not so loud! Damn!" Said Zayn.
"Okay. Anyways, we need to first wait till everyone is about to go to sleep, but we can't let the prison close."
"Prison closes a long time before that." Said Zayn.
"Oh...okay then I guess an hour or so before it closes." Said Shane, nodding his head. The feast of the group nodding their heads in agreement. "Anyways, we will then go out into the yard. I got my friend who drives the van as a job to help us out. He will also be breaking out with us. His name is Reen." Said Shane.
"Reen?" Commented Zayn.
"Yup." Said Shane.
"Anyways, we will then just drive off. Sound good?"
"Yes." Zayn and Naughty Boy said in unison.
"Alright!" Shouted Shane.
-----A few hours later-----
"Zayn, you ready?"
"Alright, Shane's waiting for us in the yard."
"Okay." Zayn and Naughty Boy then got up, heading for the yard. Both of them were extremely nervous of getting caught. Think about what would happen if they were to...it wouldn't be good. As they eventually reached the yard, it was empty. The only people that were there were Shane and they were guessing Reen. He was sitting in the van, talking to Shane. "Hey guys!" Said Naughty Boy, walking up to them.
"Oh hey! This is Reen, everyone." Naughty boy and Zayn gasped. He was tall, had scars on his face, and was super scary-looking. A little bit like Shane.  "You guys ready to go?" Asked Reen. "Yeah." Said Everyone.
To be continued

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