Mini- Chapter #1

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   It had happened. Everyone officially saw Zayn as a cheating jerk. And nobody suspected Naughty Boy was the person who set it up. They didn't even know that they hung out. They all just thought that him and Naughty Boy were just running and traveling, but not together. Idiots.

   What is it going to be like when just get back? Asked Zayn to himself as he was on his flight back home. He knew that Naughty Boy did it. "Hey." Says Zayn. No answer. He then realizes that Naughty Boy was listening to music. He then slaps off the headphones. (You're probably thinking, what is that verb? Well, he slapped NB and the headphones fell off.) "Hey, what the hell man?" Asks Naughty Boy.  " everyone think that I cheated on Perry?" Asked Zayn. "What, no. Of course I didn't I wouldn't do that to you." Says Naughty Boy sympathetically. Zayn nods his head and it is quiet for the rest of the flight. As they land, Zayn gets very worried. "Why are you so quiet?" Asks Naughty Boy. "..." As Zayn and NB get closer to the front door of the airport, Zayn notices Perry is outside. Shit. Thought Zayn. "Bye." Says Naughty Boy and then he just walks away towards the highway.

   "Hey, Perry." Says Zayn quietly. "Hey! I missed you! How was Thailand!!" Perry then kisses him, as he just makes a face. Has she heard about the news yet? Zayn thinks. "You okay?" Asks Perry. "Uhh..umm...yea..." The Two then head for the car, and head home. "So...have you seen the news lately?" Asks Zayn. "Nope. Why?" "Nothing." Perfect, she doesn't know. This totally won't come back to bite me in the butt. Yeah, right Zayn.

                             Sorry this chapter wasn't that long!

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