Special: When Naughty Boy stole Christmas

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      T'was the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a sound was heard, not even a mouse. Naughty Boy was in his bed, resting his head, ready for Christmas morning. Naughty Boy was as excited as can, this rhyming isn't working. Give me a second.
    Naughty Boy was sleeping, ready for Santa to come down the chimney. "Oh man, I'm so excited! I should call
Zayn!" Naughty Boy picks up the phone , ready to call Zayn. "Hello?" Answers Zayn groggily. "Hey!!!!!!! It's almost Christmas!!!!!" "Fuck off, mate." Zayn then hangs up the phone. Rude. Naughty boy then falls asleep thinking about all the presents he will get tomorrow.
----the next morning----
   "WOOHOO! ITS CHRISTMAS TIME!!" Yells Naughty Boy as he wakes up. He quickly jumps out of bed, running to the living room to see the tree. "Huh?!" He yells as he enters the living room. There was no presents... "I WILL NOT SETTLE FOR THIS!"  He then runs away, yelling.
     After a few hours of sitting in complete darkness in his room, he came up with an idea. "I GOT IT!" He yelled, getting up from his bed. I will STEAL Christmas! Nobody could stop him. He was ready for next year. Next year is when he would steal Christmas.
----A year later...----
     You're such a dumbass. It's not going to work.
     Yes it will. Just watch me.
      You'll be putting everything in jeopardy! Do you really want that?
It's called revenge, sweetheart.
     Alright. Whatever you say, Steve.
     Thanks, Michael. I needed your blessing.
     Scarf, check. Hat. Check. Santa suit. Check. I think it's all good. Let's go, shall we?
    Naughty Boy left his house, all dressed up. It was Christmas Eve Eve, 2 AM. I hate leaving at 2 AM... He thought as he left his house, heading towards the airport.
----Now at the airport----
     "Flight 106A at gate B5 to the North Pole will now be leaving. All passengers please make your way to gate B5." Naughty Boy then heads to the gate, and hands the lady his ticket. "Steve Enboy...okay. Have a good flight!" Naughty Boy gives a smile, and quickly heads up the jetway. As he boards the plane, he looks for a seat and takes one by a girl with pretty blonde hair. "Hello." Says Naughty Boy. The girl turns around. "HUH?!" Jumps Naughty boy. It was Perry, Zayn's fiancé. "P-Perry...what're you doing?" "Oh, I'm going to the North Pole! Zayn and I broke up, so ya. Oops haha!" "What." Says Naughty Boy. "No more questions. I already broke down crying in front of everyone during a concert I don't want to do it here..." "Oh okay"
----In to the North Pole Now----
    Okay, we are in the North Pole now, nothing much....just going to steal Christmas and get my revenge, pretty normal day. You know I'm surprised that I actually went through with this and remember it...well you know you only live until you eat eight  pounds of cheese. Wait wait you're getting off topic now...okay it's alright you're just about to vomit now it's all good lets just go home and watch Camp Rock and then kill Santa!! Easy!
     ----After Camp Rock----
   Wow. Camp Rock was so good. Still as amazing as when I was 20. Anyways, let's do this whole kill Santa thing now. "1234567890. This is Bobby the Elf speaking." "Ah! Great! Can I come over to the workshop!" "It's 2 AM. I can't let you in only unless you're apart of a powerful company that can sue is for a lot of money." "I'm apart of the SWAT team." "See you soon, sir."
----at the place thing (I'm tired)----
    "Hello. Welcome to the place thing. I'm elf Nagisa, and this is Elf Rin and Makoto." (Editors note: please tell me someone will get this...) "Okay cool. Can I see Santa now?" "Santa? He doesn't exist, dumbass." "Yeah he does." "No he doesn't. How old are you?" "We can't back down. There's no other way. WE CANT BACK DOWN. NOT RIGHT NOW!" "Are you singing Camp rock?" "Uh...yes?" "SAME!!" (Both singing) "WE CANT BACK DOWN! WE CANT BACK DOWN! NOT RIGHT NOW! WE CANT BACK DOWN!"
          THE END~~~~~
(This was shit IMAO)

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