Chapter 9 - Kitra

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Kitra made her way back to her chambers, her mind still reeling from the revelations Elrond had shared. As she entered the familiar space, memories of her childhood washed over her - happy times spent learning and growing under the elves' gentle tutelage. But now those memories were tainted by the knowledge of her father's dark deeds and the terrible fate that had befallen her parents.

With a heavy heart, she began to undress, her fingers tracing absently over the scars that marred her skin. Each one held a story, a reminder of the pain and loss she had endured. As she slipped into the steaming bath, Kitra allowed herself a moment to grieve - for the parents she had lost, for the innocence that had been stolen from her, for the dark destiny that now loomed before her.

But even as despair threatened to overwhelm her, Kitra felt a flicker of determination spark to life in her chest. She was a survivor, a fighter. She had faced countless challenges and emerged stronger for them. And she was not alone - she had Aragorn, Alana, the hobbits, and the wise counsel of Elrond and Gandalf to

As Kitra soaked in the warm, soothing waters, she let her mind drift to Aragorn. She had known him almost her entire life - first as a childhood playmate, then as a dear friend and confidant. But recently, something had begun to shift between them. Lingering glances, gentle touches that seemed to convey more than mere friendship. The thought of exploring those feelings both thrilled and terrified her.

A soft knock at the door jolted Kitra from her musings. Hastily, she rose from the bath and wrapped herself in a plush towel. "Who is it?" she called, her voice still slightly hoarse from emotion.

"It's me," came Aragorn's muffled reply. "I wanted to check on you, see how you were faring."

Kitra's heart skipped a beat at the sound of his voice. She quickly slipped on a silken robe and moved to open the door. Aragorn stood before her, his handsome face etched with concern. He had bathed and changed as well, his damp hair falling in soft waves around his shoulders.

"May I come in?" he asked gently.

Kitra hesitated for only a moment before nodding and stepping aside to allow Aragorn entry. As he crossed the threshold, she became acutely aware of her state of undress, the thin robe clinging to her still-damp skin. A faint blush heated her cheeks as she tightened the sash around her waist.

Aragorn's eyes swept over her, a flicker of appreciation in their depths before he quickly averted his gaze. "Forgive the intrusion," he said softly. "I merely wished to ensure you were alright. Elrond informed me of your conversation in the gardens."

Kitra's breath caught at the mention of the painful truths Elrond had revealed. She turned away, moving to stand by the window as she struggled to compose herself. "He told you everything, then?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Not everything," Aragorn replied, coming to stand beside her. His presence was a steady comfort, his shoulder brushing against hers as they looked out over the tranquil valley. "Only that you had learned of your parents' fate and the dark power that now seeks to claim you. He thought you could use the support."

Kitra swallowed hard, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. "It's much to take in," she admitted, her voice trembling slightly. "All these years, I had no idea about my father's involvement with that cursed amulet, or the true circumstances of my parents' deaths. And now, to know that Sauron's influence is lurking inside me, waiting to take control..." She shuddered, wrapping her arms around herself as if to ward off a chill.

Aragorn turned to face her fully, his hands coming up to rest gently on her shoulders. "Kitra, look at me," he implored softly. Reluctantly, she raised her gaze to meet his, finding only compassion and understanding in his grey eyes.

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