~Siobhan's revenge+Shiborie~

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It had been a seriously long day for Siobhan, she was covering for reece as he was off for a house viewing, she had snarky, lazy parents arguing with her and constant spamming from Rodger..

For once in her life she actually couldn't wait to get home, even if it meant being back with that @busive monster..

20:35pm..she pulled up to Rodgers house.. Her phone had been spammed as usual but this time she was prepared for the beating..

Little did she know, tonight... Was going to go severely South...

She took a deep breath and turned the knob of the door, looking into the front room she froze..

Rodger and Janice..

Janice was topless, straddling rodger as he ran his filthy hands down her body.. I gagged and they both jolted up..

"SIOBHAN IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE I SWEAR" Rodger screamed as he threw Janice off him onto the cold, concrete floor...

Janice winced in pain, "Ow rodge, what's the big deal she's a filthy slut anyway" she rolled her eyes as she got back up.

Siobhan stood there motionless.. The anger was boiling up as she reached into her pocket..

She pulled out a shiny, heavy silver pistol, pointing it directly at the two monsters sat on the couch..

They both froze in fear, their eyes widened as they both scrambled back onto the sofa..

"This is for me, autumn, Reece, Mia and marjorie you filthy, @busive monster" Siobhan screamed as she fired at Rodger, hitting him directly in  his forehead before turning the gun to Janice..

"And this... This is for me and marjorie you absolute h3re.." Siobhan screamed again before firing at the left side of her chest..

They both fell to the floor resting in a pool of their own blood..

Siobhan laughed to herself as she felt someone wrap their arms around her..


"Thank you Siobhan, I really do love you for that, I'm so proud of you my girl.." Marjorie whispered into her ear smiling down at the bodies and placed a soft, but passionate kiss on siobhan's lips..

"Thank you my sweet,I love you too..just know I'll do anything for you.. Even if it means killing 2 monsters.. " Siobhan whispered into the kiss..

They both smiled at each other before leaving the house to head to Marjories..

Marjorie and her sweet Siobhan forever and onwards..Now they were finally free at last..

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