absolutely amazing

841 63 45

Belgium - race day

"Isn't this party amazing?" Charles asked the Dutchman while they were leaning against the bar, waiting for their drinks.

As the Monegasque had won, he obviously had to join the huge party that was taking place after the race with all the other drivers and their friends. Charles also had no reason to hide Max from them, had been walking in while holding the Dutchman's hand.

Luckily all the other drivers were really chilled about it, welcoming Max with open arms, especially Carlos, who he knew already from Monaco. And one could say that it was really a good evening, that this club and it's atmosphere was pretty nice.

If there wouldn't be one thing, still pressing hard into the Dutchman's ass, keeping the lost cum inside. It was pure torture, especially as Charles had taken the opportunity in the hotel room to give his boyfriend a quick blowjob.

Well he didn't let him cum, obviously, Max had to fight his life to follow that command, but he did. Only some precum was straining his boxers, the feeling of the plug inside him too weird, but at the same time too good, the hot sticky mess inside.

"W... Well it's g... great." Max therefore returned, unable to speak already as he was feeling such an overstimulation in certain areas.

It was really a miracle that he hadn't came until now, but he simply couldn't. He wanted to be good for Charles, wanted to hold back until the Monegasque allowed him to cum. Which was taking even longer, considering that he had won.

With a bad result they would long be in the hotel room, groaning their names while fucking like crazy.

"You sure you're okay?" Charles asked again, a certain fire laying in his eyes, even slow hints of worry floated with it.

"Hm." was all the Dutchman returned, pressing his thighs together even stronger.

Luckily their drinks arrived though and before Max could even reach for them, Charles had taken both and started walking. He even winked at the Dutchman, his eyes dropping down for a moment, pointing clearly at some special parts.

Once they reached their table in the VIP area again, Carlos instantly slid over on the huge sofa, offering his teammate and Max some space. Charles of course took this, thanking the Spaniard before he placed the drinks on the table.

"Come here, there's enough space for all of us." he then said towards Max as the Dutchman was still standing next to them, not sure if he should sit down.

To be correct Max was sure, not to sit down as this would only increase his problems. While standing it was completely fine, well, as fine as it could be with a huge plug and some cum inside his ass.

But sitting down would only make it harder for him not to moan, not to move his hips in order to trying to ride that toy. It would only press deeper into him, into the cum pool, right against his prostate.

"I... I think I'm fine with standing." he therefore managed to bring out, tipping from one foot onto another as the alcohol from the two drinks before was only making him more horny.

"Sure babe?" Charles chuckled as he seemed to noticed what Max's problem was, sliding a bit onto the empty sofa space next to him.

He then suddenly grabbed Max's hand, pulling the Dutchman down, right onto his lap so that he was now sitting sideways on his thighs.

"I think now it's better." he laughed before he leaned in and breathed, "You, sitting where you belong."

A hot shiver ran down Max's back and he quickly looked over to Carlos and the other driver, Lando, who was sitting next to him. Luckily they both also laughed, seeing it as a joke.

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