Entry 7: The Revelation

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Entry 7: The Revelation

As daybreak arrived in Aquales once more, it did so in an ugly way unlike any of the previous sunrises that smiled upon the kingdom

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As daybreak arrived in Aquales once more, it did so in an ugly way unlike any of the previous sunrises that smiled upon the kingdom. The sky was gray, the bulging clouds loomed overhead, and it looked as if it was going to downpour at any moment. If Alice had been away to notice the grim appearance overhead, she would have convinced herself that it could rain in Aquales. However, she and Julie were both still asleep and a little behind schedule compared to their usual routine. It was as if the lack of sunlight drained all the energy from those who resided there and it wouldn't be until Julie acted as the alarm clock when the day would begin.

She began to shift around in her bed after feeling fully refreshed following the night she and Alice shared. For a moment, she didn't sit up or jump out of bed and rather - she simply lay there looking at the ceiling and pondered the journey that had been taken so far. Recollecting the people she met and how far away from home she really was. Even though she didn't show it, this was the first time Julie felt at peace with herself while in the kingdom.

And after glancing outside and noticing the dull-looking day, she decided to rise and finish the training once and for all. Slowly she lifted herself into a sitting position with her stiff arms, and could still feel the tingly sensation from the bruises on her face. However, her hair remained just as beautiful as it appeared in the moonlight from many hours ago. She turned herself to one side of the bed - the one side where Alice was sleeping - and jumped down.

"Hey Alice, where are-?" she asked out loud while stepping down from the bed. Suddenly Julie realized she wasn't landing on the floor and rather something malleable- it was Alice's stomach. She was still lying on the floor from the previous night.

"OOOF, gahhh!" Alice gasped as she flailed her arms around, as she was woken up unexpectedly by Julie's weight.

In the surprise of the moment, Julie shouted, "Ahh ah!" and lost her balance, landing on top of Alice with a thud, their bodies resting on each other. As she landed, the crash made Alice bump into the table above her where she had left her water from the previous night. It spilled all over the spot where they lay.

"Oh, there you are, haha." She tried to laugh off the mishap while grabbing her injured arm that hit the floor on impact.

"Ugh! You know for a girl as light as you are, you sure know how to throw your dead weight around!" Alice complained as she frizzed up her hair, trying to spot-dry it.

At that moment, a frantic knock was heard from the door. Both girls remained in place as it opened on its own. Axel appeared in the doorway with his eyes batting all over the room.

"Alice there's a problem! I went to check in on Julie to make sure she was doing okay and she's not there and do you know-"

Just then, his eyes locked onto the two girls, lying on top of each other on the floor with a liquid surrounding them.

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