Chapter 8-Even if the days are dark, I will still exist.

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That place is where you will sleep every day. You have four hours of sleep, and your first task will be to wash the dishes. Hurry up; you are not allowed to be late or lazy, or else a severe punishment will await you."

"Okay, ma'am."

"Never lift your head, and do not live comfortably. If you want to survive in this place, start with those dishes."

The dishes are huge compared to this tiny body. Are you kidding me?

"Do you have any objections?"

She stared at me as if I had offended her in some way, with looks of hatred and resentment. Does she have issues with young girls or something?

"No, ma'am."

"Then start now."

I struggled to reach the dishes. I felt small and weak, as if everything in this place was designed to remind me of that. My hands trembled as I lifted one of the plates; its size was bigger than anything I could handle right now. My new body betrayed me. If I had my old body, I wouldn't have let anyone talk to me like this. I would have rebelled, fought back, and maybe even escaped. But here... in this world, I have neither strength nor choice. Crime is rampant, and danger lurks at every corner. The thought of being an easy prey for slave traders or another victim of a horrific crime made me swallow my pride and continue my work in silence, as if I had become part of this miserable chain.

I spent hours without eating anything, cleaning and cleaning continuously. Piles of dishes never seemed to end. But I am not a weak person; this was my life too when I was young in my world. I kept working in the orphanage and outside it. I didn't really have a life. Poor Mary, if she had remained in this body, she would have surely died. But I am not weak... I think the body is weak. Night fell, and I was still cleaning, starving. The maid who brought the dishes told me that the house's traditions state that the first maid who comes here must remain a full day without food, so I have no other choice. What is that sound? Are these more traditions?

"Who's there...?"

"Shhh! Don't raise your voice."

"Who are you...?"

"I'm a maid older than you, haha. Don't be scared; you look very terrified... I'm not a ghost."

"I think the lady said no one is allowed in here."

"I know, but I don't usually follow the rules. So, what's your name?"

"I'm Mary."


She jumped from her spot and quickly came over to shake my hand. A really strange girl, with black eyes and a thin body covered in wounds everywhere. Her smile was sweet and bright, making people laugh with her. She looked around 25 years old.

"...Hello, Mary. Your name is very beautiful. My name is Clara; it means brightness and clarity."

"Your name is more beautiful."

"Really! Thank you. So, you're the new maid, and I liked you, so I brought you a little soft bread. By the way, don't tell anyone..."

She whispered in my ear, laughing.

"I stole it."

"Okay, I won't tell anyone. Now, give it to me."

"Wow, you're very bold; usually, people hesitate at first."

I started eating it quickly before anyone else came in.

"Why would I hesitate? I've been cleaning the dishes all day and I'm hungry. Hesitation won't fill my stomach."

"You're right. Eat a lot, okay?"

She gently patted my head, playing with my hair. I realized at that moment that I had gained a kind person with me.

"So, I'll go now before the head maid comes. Goodbye."



"Um, where can I find you again?"

"I'll find you; don't worry."

She left, and silence enveloped the place again as I sat waiting for the next batch of dishes. There wouldn't be any sleep tonight, even though I was very tired from the trip. All my bones ached.

"You... hurry up, go to sleep until tomorrow."

(Okay, I guess my wish has come true.)

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