Chapter 3-How can I forget reality and live in fantasy?

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"While pursuing our dreams, we encounter difficulties and feel our hope shatter within us, forcing us to escape from reality into a happy and enjoyable fantasy."

The shock woke luna from her daze. She entered a state of confusion.
'How is this possible?'

"Am I in a fantasy world?"
Or have I gone back in time?
I want to go back.
Inside this dark room, there is no phone or lamp.

"I'm scared of the dark."
I'm afraid of the darkness.
I don't want this.
I want to go back. This is not my home. Please, take me back!"
" this isn't real right. I'm just dreaming. This is just a dream."
"Yes, that's right, haha."
How could this happen?
It's a dream from my imagination. I'll sleep, and tomorrow I'll wake up in my bed, and I'll throw that book away."she started questioning herself in panic

She lay down on the bed.

 "the cover was so soft and silky, as if I were a princess

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 "the cover was so soft and silky, as if I were a princess. Even though the house wasn't in good condition, they didn't deprive their daughter of this soft bed. I loved it, but I can't stay here. Yes, I'll go to sleep now."

That night, Luna dreamed of Grandma Mary holding her by the arm, leading her to an unknown place where the sky and sea were so close, as if they had made a secret appointment. A place so beautiful, beyond human consciousness and comprehension, indescribable even if all the world's linguists gathered.

 A place so beautiful, beyond human consciousness and comprehension, indescribable even if all the world's linguists gathered

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The grandmother stopped and pointed toward people coming from afar. She looked at me with a smile full of warmth and affection. "Look, thanks to you, this happiness will last. I won't go far, I'll always watch over you to protect, guide, and light your path. So don't be afraid of anything; I will always protect you." She released...

The grandmother stopped and pointed to people coming from afar.
She looked at me with a smile filled with warmth and affection. "Look, thanks to you, this happiness will last. I won't go far, I'll always watch over you to protect, guide, and light your path. So don't be afraid of anything, for I will always protect you."
She let go of Luna's hand and headed towards young Marie, who was holding her father's hand. His face, once lifeless, now regained life as he gazed at her in silence.
Luna stood there, stunned, not knowing what had happened as she watched the happy family walk away, leaving her alone once again. Not in this world, nor in her real world. Luna had always been alone.

In the morning, she woke up shocked from that dream.
"Ah, morning. What was that, a dream within a dream, haha? Ah, the sunlight... Please, let me be home, I'm home!"
She opened her eyes slowly, hoping that the nightmare had ended, with the hope of returning to her life, her messy apartment, and being a 25-year-old girl, fired from her job, orphaned, and with no friends—just her and herself.
Yes! I'm back...! How is this possible?
Why am I still in this dark era?
Damn you all!"
Get me out! Get me out! Get me out!!!
I don't want this. This is not what I wished for."
Why? Why?" Marie kept tossing and turning in bed, screaming with all her might, declaring her rejection of the situation.
A maid entered, trying to calm her down. She thought Marie's screams were because of her grandmother's death.
The maid spoke: "Don't do this, my lady. Everything will be fine, even though the elder lady has passed away, your mother—"
Marie interrupted her: "What? Repeat what you just said. Who died?" She looked at the maid with a mix of anger, confusion, and frustration.
The maid hesitated: "She... passed away... the elder lady...!!"
The girl froze in place from the shock, unable to control herself, and began screaming in anger, rushing towards Grandma Marie's room.
She reached the door and found her grandmother lying still on the bed, the voice that once broke the silence of the house now fading away throughout the home.
Marie's mother tried to pull her away from her grandmother's body, known as Countess Anna Forgeur.
Marie hurried towards her, shouting, "No, no, no! You can't die until you take me back to my world. Who gave you the right to die? I haven't allowed you to leave yet. You can't go and leave me in this unknown place."
Marie collapsed on her grandmother's bed, resting her head on her hand.
"I beg you, I don't want to stay in an unknown world. This is not my place.
This world is not my world."
Marie's mother, Elizabeth, tried to comfort her, thinking she was sad because of her grandmother's death. She approached and hugged her warmly, as a mother embraces her newborn child with feelings of longing, protection, and tenderness.
"Oh, my poor daughter!
Everyone has left you alone—your father, and now your grandmother! What kind of fate is this? I'm sorry, I'm sorry for leaving you to live like this. I'm sorry that your mother is weak and couldn't give you the life you deserve."
Her mother's emotions ignited a spark of grief in Luna, and she began crying in her warm embrace, as if surrendering to her current reality. Luna, an orphaned girl who had never known her parents, found herself alone in the world. She had never sought the affection she had lost, but for a brief moment, she thought she had no choice but to surrender to reality. She spoke to Elizabeth.
"Can you be my mother?"
Elizabeth, surprised by her daughter's state, didn't have the strength to question her and simply said, "Alright, my daughter! From now on, I'll be the mother who shelters and warms you in the cold, consoles you in sadness, and shares your joy for the rest of my life."
"Alright, then. From now on, I'll be Marie, your beloved daughter who turns to her mother in every moment."
"Yes, my daughter. Together, we will face the present and the unknown."
"Alright, mother!"
Mother—the word I had always dreamed of saying. Now, I'll finally be able to. It's funny and sad at the same time.

As Elizabeth held her close, the warmth of her embrace felt so real, too real. Luna's mind raced, trying to reconcile the tenderness of this new mother with the cold reality she knew. But is this reality? she questioned herself. The softness of the bed, the soothing voice of a mother she had never known, the vividness of each touch and sound—it was all too perfect, too comforting to be true.

Her heart wanted to believe, to sink into this dreamlike world and forget the harshness of her real life. But her mind resisted. What if this is just another trap? Another illusion to keep me here forever?

Torn between her desire for love and her fear of losing herself in this unfamiliar world, she whispered to herself, "What if I wake up, and it's all gone again? What if this... mother, this warmth, disappears like everything else?"

But for now, she surrendered. For the first time in her life, she felt something akin to peace. And even if it was just for this moment, she wanted to hold onto it. She clutched Elizabeth tighter, allowing herself to say, "Mother," one more time, even if part of her still doubted if it was real.

I'll live the present that has been given to me and forget the past that was taken from me when I wasn't looking.

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