✿ H a t e ✿

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Bahameen sat at a small table in the cafe, her laptop open at the table. She was focused on her assignment. She was deep in thought when her friend Laila sat down across from her, beaming.

"Guess who I just saw?" Laila exclaimed, excitement visible on her face.

"Please tell me it’s not Ghazan" Bahameen replied, rolling her eyes.

"Exactly. I just saw him and he is so handsome" Laila said, her cheeks flushing.

"I am flattered by his one gaze. You should totally set me up with him!" Laila smirked.

Bahameen frowned, irritation bubbling inside her.

"Are you serious? You want to date him? He doesn’t deserve a girl like you" Her voice was higher than usual.

"Why not? He’s charming and—" Laila was taken aback at her tone.

"Charming my foot" Bahameen interrupted her once again.

"He’s arrogant! His views are so outdated. He thinks women should just cater to men" She continued monotonously.

"Maybe he just has traditional values" Laila said, trying to be reasonable.

"Traditional. More like stuck in the past" Bahameen shot back.

"You deserve someone who respects you, not someone who thinks he’s better than everyone. He would cage you in a little bubble. That's kind of a man he is" She kept mentioning him in a deteriorating way.

Laila sighed but smiled.

"He isn't like that"

"Oh Laila come on! I know him very well. He would die before dating a girl like you and let me tell you he doesn't date. He is an ashiq type of guy who will just have an arranged marriage or he would marry the only girl he loves. That's all, he dislikes girls like us who parties and have fun" She explained his personality to her friend so that she would shut her mouth.

"You’re being too hard on him. He is an educated man. I am sure he isn't like you are portraying him. There is no harm in having fun" Laila seemed calm.

"He is a tough guy with centuries ago values" She huffed.

"That's scary but he is so handsome" Laila was stuck to his handsomeness.

"Why I hadn't seen him earlier. You hid him from us. Traitor!" Laila narrowed her eyes at her.

Just then Aina joined them and Laila narrated the whole story to her.

"Well whatever you say Bahameen but Ghazan is so handsome" Aina smiled.

"You just need to talk to him" Laila suggested, raising her eyebrows.

"Talk to him. I would rather talk to a wall" Bahameen huffed.

Just then, Ghazan entered the cafe, exuding confidence. Bahameen’s stomach twisted with annoyance as he approached the counter. Laila’s eyes widened in admiration.

Bahameen wasn't expecting him to be there. He just came to university to get some paper work cleared. In her views, he might have gone till now but here he was getting a black coffee just as his heart for himself.

His gaze fell at her when he turned around. His face was stiff as rock. She didn't know why her friends were interested in him.

"Look! There he is" Leila whispered excitedly.

Bahameen crossed her arms, her expression hardening.

"Great" She mumbled.

"What’s the matter, Bahameen? Jealous of his good looks?" Laila teased her.

"Hardly" She shot back, her voice sharp. Her friends didn't know about her inner turmoil about Ghazan.

Bahameen stood up from her seat, grabbed her laptop and bag. She fumed in anger and rushed towards the door, on the way she bumped into him.

"Can't you see!" He sneered. He was holding the coffee cup protectively.

She didn't say anything in reply and kept glaring at him.

"Why are you staring?” he taunted, stepping closer.

"Because I can’t believe someone like you exists" Bahameen replied, matching his intensity.

"Maybe if you opened your eyes, you would see that there’s more to me than you think" He said, his tone challenging.

They locked gazes, tension cracked between them.

"I hate you" She decided to reveal her trur feelings to him.

"Feelings are mutual" He snapped.

"What the hell do you even think of yourself? Don't forget your truth" She pointed her finger at him in anger.

"You should know your truth first" He said sternly.

"You can just insult others and think of yourself as superior to us. You are disgusting!" She asked him furiously.

"Mind your language" He glared at her.

"Why? Did I hurt your ego Mr. Arrogant" She didn't know herself why she was arguing with him.

"A girl like you can never hurt me Bahameen Gardezi! You can only hurt yourself" He gave her a disgusted look and walked away.

She watched him going out of the cafe.

"I hate you Ghazan! I wish I could destroy your peace" She thought, watching his back.

She didn't know her prayer was accepted and soon Ghazan's downfall would begin.

She was indeed the one who destroyed Ghazan Ali's peace.

She destroyed the man she hated.

Your views on the story.

What's your take, Ghazan is a positive or negative character?

Everything will be cleared in the upcoming chapters.

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