chapter one

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At the fresh age of ten, Lydia found out that her family have been spies and it was passed down on the family for generations. Lydia was too young to know everything at the time, but she trained for five years before advancing to become a spy. She had easy things to do like trying to blend in at different high schools to find certain people that her organization was trying to find or tricked people into think she was some helpless young girl. The older she got, the more advanced she became. Now she was twenty five years old and one of the best and most trusted spies at the Secret Agency of Spies. 

The Secret Agency was formed over one hundred years ago when the United States was fighting for their independence and used to send spies over to Great Britain. It soon became one of the most secretive agencies and no one could ever find out about it. The process of becoming a spy at the agency was hard. Multiple tests were taken to test your loyalty, there were hours of training, and things to build your mental toughness. The average person at the agency took at least seven years to become a spy.

Lydia never had the chance to be a normal person. She had a nice childhood, but when time came, her parents let her in on the family secret. Lydia didn't work in teams or anything, she either worked alone or worked with her best friend, Allison Argent. The Argent family basically ran the agency. Allison's father, Chris Argent, was the leader of everything and his wife was one of the best undercover spies to live. Kate Argent, the sister of Chris, was a natural born fighter and usually did combat instead of undercover work. Kate was next in line to be the leader after Chris stepped down, and after Kate it would be Allison's turn to lead.

The Martin and Argent family were always close. The two families would work together and the Martin family held the second most powerful position in the agency. Allison and Lydia met when they were ten because of training. The two have been side by side ever since.

Lydia was paged to report to Chris Argent's office. She walked down the hallways and opened the door, seeing Allison sitting down at the round table and Chris standing in front of the table. Lydia sat next to her best friend and Chris cleared his voice.

"I'm assigning both of you a mission to work together and it's one of the biggest and most important ones so you cannot let me down." Chris spoke in a dead-serious voice and his eyes switched back and fourth between Allison and Lydia.

"Well, what's the mission?" Lydia asked, "Is it combat or-"

"Undercover." Chris said, interrupting Lydia. "I'm assigning you two to go undercover at a California college called University of California, Davis."

"You're kidding me, right?" Allison questioned.

"The last time Allison and I went undercover we were tortured and almost got killed by a leader of one of California's most dangerous mobs. We barely made it out alive." Lydia stated, trying to wipe the memory of the undercover mission that went wrong two years ago.

"Dad, you know Lydia and I don't do undercover missions anymore. We do combat." Allison said. She was just as surprised as her best friend about her father assigning them to an undercover mission.

"Have you ever heard of the Fraudulenti?" Chris asked, putting the palms of his hands on the table and looking up at the two girls.

"Fraud-do-what?" Allison asked.

"It means trickster in latin. If I'm correct, the person who started the organization was actually latin and wanted the name to mean something about tricking people and being deceitful." Lydia said, "Aren't the Fraudulenti one of our greatest enemies?"

"Also the enemy we keep a secret from the rest of the world. They're sort of like us, but is dead set on destroying countries one by one to rule the world and reshape it on how they think it should be like. Our secret organization is set on protecting the world, so the Fraudulenti aren't good people." Chris explained.

"What does that have to do with going undercover?" Allison asked and it seemed like she was gaining more questions than answers from her father.

"There's recruiter that we believe attends UC Davis but if the recruiter doesn't attend the college, then is friends with someone at the college. This recruiter is... well, recruiting people to work for the Fraudulenti. We've kept a close eye on our opponent, and this is the first time they've done something like this. You two are the most advanced spies for your age so your the only ones that can pull this off since both of you look young enough to be at college."

"I hope we do because if you're saying that we're twenty five year olds who look old than that would be very insulting." Lydia replied. She used to do undercover mission and she loved them, but ever since almost getting killed by a mob, both her and Allison decided to stop going undercover. There were tons of people at the agency that could go undercover and it didn't make sense why Allison and Lydia had to.

Chris sighed, "You won't be the only ones there. We have teachers there that work for us.... like Allison's mother. She's at the criminal school right now. One teacher is stationed at each school at UC Davis."

"Mom is there? And wait, if we have others than why do Lydia and I have to go?"

"Because teachers can't get close to students. You two are masters at deception-"

"Gee, thanks." Lydia narrowed her eyes at Chris but he ignored her comment and went back to talking.

"You two can do this. If you don't, then the world could literally be in jeopardy. The mission shouldn't take any less than the whole school year." 

Allison hesitated for a moment then nodded, "I'll do it, but only if Lydia agrees to. You know how it is, dad. Either I work with Lydia or I don't work at all."

The two turned to Lydia. The last thing she wanted to do was go undercover. She swore to herself that she would never do it again, but Lydia agreed and spoke in fake enthusiastic voice. "Let's go to college!"


Welcome to my new story!! I hope you all like it and I am very, very exited for this! I also hope you all are as excited for this story as I am because I think it will be very good.

If you want to see what Allison and Lydia are wearing, then go to my polyvore which is 'teenwxlves' and there's a set labeled 'chapter one' which are the outfits.

Thank you all for reading!!

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