chapter three

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Lydia sat on the coach of her apartment as she sent an email to the agency to  report what the two girls have found so far. She was four weeks into the mission and still believe that Scott, Stiles, or both of them had something to do with the Fraudulenti. Allison had some suspicions, but not many since she had a thing for Scott.

"How do I look?" Allison asked as she jumped out of her room wearing fancy clothes. She walked around the living room and smiled at Lydia.

"Like you're going on a date." Lydia replied.

Allison rolled her eyes, "When it comes to fashion, you are seriously no help at all."

"That's because I'm trying to finish a mission. Not get with a guy that I met two weeks ago." Lydia sent the email and shut her laptop. "Your family didn't become the best spy family by going on dates during secret missions."

"I just want to have a little fun. Come on Lydia, don't you? Stiles likes you and it's so obvious."

"Everything is fun and games until you find out that they're the recruiters." Lydia said as she searched her fridge for something to drink. "Do you mind going grocery shopping while you're with Scott?"

"You're being too uptight and no, I do not mind." Allison closed the fridge and crossed her arms. "You're more fun in combat."

"You're more of a pain in undercover missions." Lydia fired back. Though this was all just a small argument, Lydia couldn't help but think that Allison could be putting herself in danger. At the agency, everyone is taught to trust no one during undercover missions and to keep the mission serious. Allison was doing the opposite.

"If it makes you feel any better, I will bug Scott's phone and try to bug Stiles phone so we can look through it and see if you're paranoia is real." 

"That would be helpful so then we can catch the recruiters and go back to our normal combat missions."

"Goodbye, Lydia. I'll try not to get myself killed by the so-called recruiter." Allison waved goodbye and shut the apartment door, leaving Lydia by herself.


Allison arrived back about four hours later with groceries. "Thank you!" Lydia cheered and put them all in the fridge. 

"I bugged their phones. I wasn't expecting to see Stiles, but he was at Scott's apartment." Allison got her laptop and transported all the information from the phones onto her laptop. Lydia sat next to her on the coach with a glass of lemonade and watched as Allison scrolled through everything.

"Are those images of fake glasses on Stiles phone?" Lydia asked, pointing to Allison's computer as she pulled up the camera roll on Stiles phone.

"And images of Star Wars." Allison laughed, "Yeah, he's a recruiter."

"Look at Scott's texts. They're literally lame knock knock jokes to all of his friends." Lydia said in disbelief and leaned back in the couch. She was for sure that something weird was up with Scott and Stiles.

"All of Scott's calls are to or from his mom. He has two facetimes with Stiles." Allison informed, "Stiles texts are filled with a girl named Malia who keeps on saying 'stop ignoring me' so I'm guessing that's the crazy ex girlfriend."

"I feel so stupid." Lydia groaned. She was never wrong about suspects and now this was the first time she was wrong. She didn't like it.

"Look, Scott's cameral roll has photos of animals on it... and very weird and embarrassing photos of Stiles. That's probably black mail." Allison laughed as she looked through the odd photos of Stiles.

Lydia looked at one and laughed, "That's terrible."

"See, Lydia, they're perfectly normal. They're just really weird." Allison said and shut down the programs on her laptop.

"We can't be too careful." Lydia said and could sense that Allison was rolling her eyes.

The doorbell ring and Lydia sat up, looking at Allison, "What did you do?"

Allison shrugged and walked to the door, "I invited Scott and Stiles over."


I laughed writing the part about the stuff Scott and Stiles phone. That proves they can't be the recruiters.

So I hope you guys are liking this story! If it seems boring, then it will get much better.

Remember to check out Allison and Lydia's outfits for this chapter on my polyvore. My username is 'teenwxlves'

Thank you all for reading!

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