chapter eleven

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Lydia, Allison, Scott, and Stiles all sat in a booth in a coffee shop. The new team thing was still a bit weird for them, especially since they all suspected each other to be the recruitesr. It definitely did change the friendships and relationships they had with each other in the past.

Lydia was looking outside of the large glass windows and saw two guys coming out of a black car. She recognized one as Aiden, from the frat party, and then another one that looked exactly like Aiden. The twins both wore black suits and black sunglasses then walked into an alley next to the coffee shop.

"Come with me." Lydia said to Allison as she walked out of the booth.

"Where are you going?" Stiles asked at the two girls walked out of the coffee shop. They walked into the alley where the twins were and Allison laughed.

"These two are the recruiters."

"Woah, what are you guys doing here?" Aiden asked.

"You know what we're doing here." Lydia replied, crossing her arms. 

"No, we-"

"Aiden, shut up. They're obviously spies from the agency hunting us."

"Ethan, you aren't helping." Aiden replied.

"I'm being honest, you two would be the last people I would suspect. Good job." Lydia clapped her hands together.

"The Fraudulenti leader knows your spy agency is hunting us and he's pretty pissed off about it. We're actually here to meet him, I'm sure he would be delighted to meet you two." Ethan spoke.

Allison gave a thumbs up, "Great. You're doing a fantastic job at terrifying us."

"And we're not scared of you or your agency. You guys are nothing compared to the Fraudulenti." Aiden said and Lydia frowned.

"Ouch. That hurt."

"WATCH OUT!" Scott's voice yelled as they heard gunfire. Lydia and Allison looked to the other side of the alley, seeing two more guys with black suits pointing guns. 

Lydia tackled Aiden as Allison went for Ethan. Scott and Stiles were engaging in gun fire with the two other guys. Lydia pushed Aiden's body to hit the brick building, "Do you know how many people your little organization has killed? They've killed innocent people."

"The weak ones die. They were weak and deserved to die if they couldn't handle the Fraudulenti." Aiden yelled and punched Lydia in the face.

"We need to go before anyone gets hurt!" Stiles yelled.

"What? No! The leader is coming. We have a chance to capture him." Lydia argued.

"There's a better chance of dying than capturing him." Stiles said as he pulled Lydia away from Aiden, "Follow Allison and Scott up the ladder."

Lydia shook her head, not okay with decision but began climbing up the metal latter. She climbed to the top of the building next door and heard another gunshot. "Stiles?" She looked over the edge of the roof and Scott son joined her side.

"Dude, are you okay?" Scott asked as Stiles laid on the roof, tired and out of breath.

"Do I look okay?" Stiles took hand off of his shoulder, revealing a bullet hole with blood quickly escaping.

"Put pressure against it. I'll phone the agency." Lydia said, scrambling to get her phone out of her pocket.

Allison then screamed, falling back onto the roof. "I saw the leader. He was wearing all black and I couldn't see his face but he had about ten body guards with him. He shot Aiden and Ethan."

"Shit." Lydia breathed, "We just need to leave before the cops arrive since I'm sure someone has called the police. I'm just trying to get the agency on the phone so we can get them to pick up Stiles before he bleeds to death."

"Thank you for the lovely thought." Stiles called, "It's not like I'm scared enough that I could die from blood loss." 

After what felt like forever, Chris Argent finally picked up the phone and before he could say anything, Lydia spoke. "I'm on a roof next to John's Coffee Shop. We need help, Chris. Stiles got shot."


Now we know who the recruiters were.... which leaves one more question. Who is the leader? That'll be the next mission.

Did any of you guys suspect Aiden and Ethan? That's the reason why I included him the night of the frat party.

So, thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

(P.S remember to check out Allison and Lydia's outfits on my polyvore which is 'teenwxlves')

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