chapter two

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(Remember to check out my polyvore 'teenwxlves' to see Lydia's and Allison's outfits for this chapter!)

"Okay how do I look? Do I look like a normal college girl?" Allison asked, modeling her outfit for Lydia.

"Are you seriously wearing a crop top? And a coat? Allison, it's like eighty five degrees outside." Lydia replied.

"Says the one wearing a leather jacket." Allison fired back.

"Hey, you know me. I have to wear my leather jackets. I feel weird without them." Lydia defended, "But in all honesty, you look dashing."

"Are you being sarcastic?" Allison asked, placing her hands on her hips as her best friend proved to be no help at all.

"No, in fact, I am not. You look good and stop worrying. We're spies and we've been trained to do this. Even if it means living in this weird apartment."

"I like it here." Allison shrugged, "It makes me feel like we're actually somewhat normal."

"Until you remember we're spies on a secret mission. It sounds like something you would hear in the movies, right?" Lydia replied. Today was the first day of school, or senior year, and also marked two weeks since Allison and Lydia moved into their new apartment to help them blend in. When Allison and Lydia applied to attend UC Davis, the Secret Agency of Spies helped create a fake portfolio saying that they were transferring schools and gave the girls a perfect portfolio. UC Davis accepted them immediately.

Allison was overly excited for this mission, but Lydia knew it was only because they got to act like and live like they were just normal people. They got gift cards to go shopping to buy clothes that aren't all black and actually look normal. Lydia tried to convince herself that she wasn't happy with this mission and that she just wanted it to be over, but even she knew that this was exciting to her.

"What's you first class?" Allison asked as the two girls packed their supplies.

"Scientific Evidence and Court Testimony class with Victoria Argent at the criminal justice school." Lydia said. Chris Argent was right, there were multiple teachers from the agency stationed at UC Davis and at other colleges. It wasn't surprising when Lydia found out that Allison's mother was part of this mission. The Argents were always part of missions.

"Fun. Mine is... Structure and Function of Biomolecules." Allison replied, "Yay."

"Yikes, good luck." Lydia said before walking out of their apartment and made her way to the campus. Arriving at the criminal justice school took less than ten minutes and she navigated her was easily. As Lydia walked in, she saw Derek Hale. He also worked at the agency and she stopped him. "I didn't know you would be here?"

"That makes two us. I don't know what your mission is, but I am very close to finding California's most famous and dangerous drug dealer. What's yours?"

"Finding a recruiter for the Fraudulenti."

Derek laughed, "Have fun with that. I'm glad that isn't my mission."

"Yeah, I would rather have yours." Lydia said before walking away. She didn't realize of how many things actually went on in colleges, but the agency always taught her that looks can be deceiving and most people would just assume that a college like UC Davis is an average school. But that's not always the case. When Lydia walked into the classroom, she stood in front of Victoria Argent's desk.

"Lydia! Oh good, you're here." Allison's mother said, "Is Allison with you?"

"She's at the science school." Lydia replied.

Victoria Argent nodded, "Okay, I'll talk to her later then. I just want you to remember to keep a low profile and try to blend in. That's what you were taught to do and that's what you need to do. A recruiter wouldn't hide in a criminal justice school. They would most likely be at a journalism, science, or art school because no one would expect to find them there. Just remember to be careful and you can't trust anyone. Not everyone is who they say they are."

"I'll do my best." Lydia said before walking away. She took a seat in the third row next to a guy with a dark blue button down shirt, khaki pants, and glasses. The guy looked at Lydia and smiled.

"You new here?"

"Yeah, is that obvious?" She asked.

The guy shrugged, "Lucky guess. Most people who aren't new here know not to sit near the front since that's where you get called on the most and not even college kids like to be called on. Where did you transfer from?"

"UCLA." Lydia stated, "I was getting tired of it there and wanted a change."

"Seriously? You decided to leave one of the best schools in the country and come to UC Davis?" The guy asked in disbelief.

"I wanted a change." Lydia shrugged then looked at the guys glasses, "Why are you wearing fake glasses?"

"How could you tell?"

"I have a good eye." Lydia smiled.

The guy laughed, "They make me look smarter than I actually am. My name is Stiles."

Lydia wanted to ask what kind of name Stiles was but she just decided to smile, "I'm Lydia."


When class ended, Stiles walked next to her in the hallway. "What's your next class?"

"Homicide crime scene." Lydia replied. She got a weird feeling from this guy and was wondering why he was following her. Something couldn't be right about him.

"Oh, that's right across from mine. I have criminology. I'll walk you." Stiles smiled. The two had a short conversation about their majors and Stiles said he worked at the police department and wanted to become a detective. Lydia lied and said she wanted to became a private investigator. 

She walked into class and sat in the fifth row. Maybe Lydia was just being paranoid, but she felt like there was something seriously off about Stiles.


Lydia finished up all of her classes from the day and decided to go to the science school to find Allison. She walked around the campus for twenty minutes before seeing her best sitting at a picnic table across from a tan guy with black hair. They had textbooks in front of them and looked like they weren't just studying.

"Hey, Allison." Lydia said and sat next to her best friend, "Made a new friend?"

"Scott, this is Lydia. Lydia, this is Scott." Allison introduced.

"Nice to meet you." Scott smiled.

"You too." Lydia nodded.

"Well, I should go. I'll see you later." Allison gathered her belongings then began walking with Lydia. "We were doing homework."

"And flirting." Lydia said, "This is a mission and you don't know who to trust. Heck, Scott could be the recruiter for all we know."

"Scott is literally studying to become a veterinarian. I don't think he's possible of being a recruiter." Allison replied. "What's the worse that could happen?"

Lydia turned around to look at the Scott and Stiles who were both talking to each other and Lydia sighed. "You would be surprised."


Stiles and Scott as villains. Could you guys every picture that? I don't know if I could.

Thank you all for reading and I'm really excited to continue this story and I hope you guys like it! :)

(P.S how would you guys feel about a double update tonight? I literally have nothing to do the whole day so let me know what you guys think!)

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