chapter thirteen -- axl

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We've just finished a show at the Whisky, and if I do say so myself, we fucking rocked. It seems like we've only gotten better, more energetic, and more committed since we got the record deal, which is good because I was worried that we'd end up getting sloppier. And as always, Stacy was in the crowd tonight, screaming along to the lyrics I sang and dancing like absolutely no one was watching. Now we're hanging out and having a few drinks at the Rainbow.

Stacy clings to me like a child, kissing me, hugging me, holding onto my hand or my arm or my leg or really any part of me she can touch. She's always like this when she's drunk — affectionate, that is. It's like she lets her guard down and allows herself to show this lovey-dovey side. It's fucking adorable.

"You did so good tonight," she says, looking around the table at the boys before her gaze lands on me again. Grinning, she presses a kiss to the side of my face for the hundredth time this evening. "I love listening to you guys play."

We all thank her, each of us grateful to have her in our corner, cheering us on. It helps to know that she really does love our music and rock n roll in general. She's not just another groupie trying to sleep with one of us, she really listens. Sometimes she'll even critique us on things, like how she keeps pestering Slash to add more distortion to our songs. It annoys him to no end, and god knows if it was me or another one of the guys he'd yell at us to leave him the fuck alone in a heartbeat, but he lets it slide because it's Stacy and he adores her just like the rest of us.

The topic of conversation shifts and we start talking about our upcoming album that we'll be recording soon. We're all more than excited about finally getting into a studio.

"I think we're pretty much set," Izzy says. "We've got some good songs, we might just need one or two more."

"I know what you need!" Stacy cries all of a sudden. Everyone's attention turns to her and she blushes, possibly realizing that she did in fact say that out loud. " need a, uh, you need a ballad." She says somewhat shyly.

Slash raises an eyebrow. Steven cocks his head. Duff snickers a little. Izzy shoots me a look. I bite my lip, trying to think of a nice way to say "fuck no".

"That's a good idea baby, but that's not really the right thing for this album." I say as kindly as I can.

Stacy sighs. "But it would show that you have range," she insists. "It doesn't even have to be a whole song, just a part of one, just something to show people that you're not just like every other band trying to be tough and cool and make money off of what's popular right now. You guys have heart, I know you do. You need to show your audience that."

She stumps back into her seat when she's done talking, pouting a little. She looks so cute when she's pissed. But her statement is starting to sink in and as I look around the table I can tell that the guys are thinking it over too. Honestly, it's not such a bad idea. I wanted to save Don't Cry for a later record, but there might be another song that we could add something too...

"Hey, Duff, didn't you write a new riff the other day?" I speak up. Duff nods. "And Izzy, I know you've got some lyrics we've been wanting to use. Maybe there's a spot on the record for something a little more heartfelt?"

The boys quickly agree, and Stacy's face lights up again. She smiles, throwing her arms around my neck and covering my face with kisses. I glance over at the rest of them and I can't help the smirk that tugs at my lips at the looks of jealousy on their faces.

Later that night, I'm walking Stacy home, our hands clasped together as we pass a cigarette back and forth. She lets go of my hand for a moment and twirls around drunkenly on the sidewalk, giggling to herself. Her dark eyes flicker over to me and she grins, putting her arms around me and holding me close.

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