Wind, Wind, Walls, Silence

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The wind howls commanding attention
The rain is grey like a good autumn day
People run under thier umbrellas and hoods but I stopped

To feel the droplets
and hurt

Falling delicate
To powerful

Demanding an audience
A breathtaking ambiance
The leaves chatter and dance
The crowd so busy cowering
They don't take a glance
They're missing the show
A whirlwind of soaked clothes
Cold wind blows
Crisp humid air

Out of control hair

And I cry of joy
Feeling and watching and wondering how I got so lucky
As to exist in this lifetime
To see
And hurt
And feel everything
This moment is all mine

Some people feel seasonal depression
Starting in the fall
Yet for me it's the opposite
I'm on edge till leaves fall
Depressing in those heated summer blues
Not a fan of spring
But winter soothes and yet
There's just something so unique about the grey hues

Sweaters and boots

A rainstorm welcoming the fall

A wonder of the world

The most wonderful painting of them all


The howling wind is coming my way
Demanding everything I do or say
And I must comply there is no other way
When the wind starts to speak you have to obey

The caravan of my mind is hard to unbind
Twisting and turning and hitting rewind
I scrape the walls that drip of liqueur
Smell the vines of blood and vicer
Demanding that I do what's right
And shaming me for guilty delights as I move through the maze the walls change thier shape
I look hopelessly for the exit gate

11:42pm 10/13/2024
A still sea
I'm getting desperate getting restless
For something to change
I'm getting mad and finding solace in the renegade
I'm feeling bored with this domestic bliss
Of tired days and boring shifts
All I've got's my best friendships
But the waters are scarily calm
A storm is bound to come
The sparkles on the sea lie before me as the sun beams true before pulling one over on you
It's the waiting
That's always the hardest the wind is too silent and the songs are too modest and the seagulls stopped squawking and the ships no longer rocking and it's terrifying me
Still and silent at sea
What kind of pirate am I
What kind will I be
If I stay in these still waters
By an unchallenged sea
They'll sing songs of the pirate
That didn't do much of anything
No conquering no surviving
Or treasures gone to quest
No hidden treasure chest
Is it because I'm just sitting here waiting
For the ocean to take its course
That it may lead me to treasure
Like water to a horse
Dying of thirst and refusing to drink I've got so many pens but I've dried out the ink and the clock ticks and I'm losing my wits as I sit and watch the cloudless sky
An unnerving feeling
Watching your life sail by
And not knowing wether to lay back or to try
To get out the oars to steer you by
Frozen in possibilities
I sit on my gold
And ponder what uses I could have for it
Until I've grown old.

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