Chapter 5: A Change of Plans

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Chapter 5: A Change of Plans

Rena paced her apartment, her mind racing. After her confrontation with Filip, she realized that her plan to go to Paris was no longer a secret. She had mentioned it to him, and now the thought of Filip following her there unsettled her. He was relentless, and if he knew where she was headed, he wouldn’t hesitate to track her down. The possessiveness in his eyes had made that clear.

She couldn’t let him control her future. Paris was her dream, but not if it meant being pursued by someone who couldn’t take no for an answer.

Sitting down at her small desk, Rena pulled out her laptop. There was another option, one she hadn’t considered until now. England. It was still Europe, still filled with opportunities, and she hadn’t told Filip anything about wanting to go there. It would be the perfect escape, a place where she could start fresh without him knowing where to find her.

Rena’s POV

If I go to Paris now, he’ll follow me. He made that clear, she thought, her fingers typing quickly as she searched for last-minute flights to London. I need to change my plans, go somewhere he wouldn’t expect. England. That’s where I’ll go.

With a decisive click, she booked a flight leaving the next day. The decision felt sudden, but it was the only way to ensure her freedom. She didn’t want to waste any more time, and she couldn’t afford to let Filip’s obsession ruin her dreams. England would be her new start.

Packing the last of her things, Rena felt a surge of excitement mixed with nervousness. This wasn’t what she had originally planned, but it felt right. A new adventure awaited her, and she couldn’t let anyone stand in the way of her independence.

As she zipped up her suitcase, her phone buzzed. It was another message from Filip:

Filip’s Message:
I know you’re planning to leave soon. I hope you understand that I won’t let you go so easily.

Rena stared at the message, her resolve hardening. She couldn’t stay trapped in this emotional tug-of-war. Filip’s possessiveness was suffocating, and she needed to get away before things became even more complicated.

She typed a quick reply:

Rena’s Message:
I’ve made my decision, Filip. Please respect it.

She hit send, feeling a sense of finality. It was time to take control of her life.

The next morning, Rena arrived at the airport, her heart pounding with anticipation. England wasn’t Paris, but it was a new beginning, a chance to find herself far away from Filip’s shadow. She boarded the plane, looking out the window as the city faded from view, a mixture of relief and excitement washing over her.

As the plane ascended into the sky, Rena smiled to herself. She had made the right choice. England would be her escape, her place to rediscover who she was without the pressure of someone else’s expectations. And for the first time in a long time, she felt truly free.

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