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Danielle remembered swinging her feet, sitting on the bench.
And the time went so slowly, so so slowly.
She hated waiting.
Danielle was tired, but she couldn't shut her eyes.
No, then she would re live everything again.
The screams, the blood, the pain.
Oh the agonising pain.
She was screaming her brothers name, then shortly after the pain began. The sickening pain that made her want to throw up.
"Danielle, i'm sorry. Your brother, he didn't make it."
She remembered hearing those words and her whole world came crashing down. Danielle remembered falling to the ground, screaming her brothers name.
"Shut up you brat" Danielle's dad hissed in her ear.
She knew she was getting a beating when she got home, but frankly she didn't care. She needed her brother.
She remembered sitting in the car, an awkward silence between the family. Then she remembered being pushed out of the car, landing painfully on her face. Then the screeching of tires.
Danielle remembered lying there in pain, before she heard another screeching of tires.

A/N hey guys! So i've been looking for a story like this for a while, but i couldn't find any, so i thought: Hey! Why don't i write it myself? So i did this story will have a lot of fluff in it, and a lot of cute Dani, even if she acts all tough ;) you'll find the ages in the next chapter, and first actual chapter will be posted on Tuesday :)

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