Abandoned // Chapter One

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(A/N just to say, this story will always be written in Dani's POV, unless i say otherwise. Enjoy!)
*Word count: 739*

I jump awake, looking at my TinkerBell alarm clock.
Don't laugh, i got it when i was 5, when my parents where still happy. I was so happy, so innocent. I didn't know that shortly afterwards my parents would start beating me. I still don't know why they did it. It's 4 o'clock in the morning, and tomorrow people are coming to look for a child between 10 and 14 to adopt. And of course, my age is right in the middle of those two ages. Not like anyone was going to pick me. I had ugly, straggly hair. Ugly cat-green eyes, and a very bad attitude. Obviously they would go for Jasmine, with her perfect blond hair and blue eyes, and a smile to die for. I was just me, ugly old Danielle who couldn't do anything right. I'd better get some sleep.
"Wake up J!" That's what Rosminda called me, because J is my middle name. I hate it, who has a name like Danielle J Kleckenberg?! I've been here for 3 years. I've kind of given up hope of being adopted. I sigh, throwing of my Pokémon duvet covers. I put on my tights and some black shorts, plus a black vest and a crop top that says 'Dweeb' on it.
I trudge downstairs getting pushed by numerous boys. I'm always the freaking outcast. I sit on a chair in the corner, waiting for something to happen. Then the chair topples and a body and the chair fall on top of me, making me bang my head hard.
"I'm sorry Danielle! Don't hurt me." It's Jacob. Little Jacob. I love Jacob, he's always there for me. I'm about to tell him it's alright, until someone else speaks. "Danielle! Why did you do that!? You are a disgrace!" I don't wait to hear anything else. I run upstairs and slam the door before crumpling down on the floor, and in a few seconds i'm sobbing. I'm such a freak, such a disgrace. I could've been adopted, but i messed it up again. I'm such an outcast. I then feel warm arms around me, allowing me to sob into someone's chest. I don't know who it is, but right know i don't care. The person starts rubbing circles on my back, soothing me. "Hey, are you okay?" The person asks. I look up, my green eyes meeting someone's magical blue ones. "Y-yeah, i'm sorry i didn't mean to do any-" the girl cuts me of. "Hun, you didn't do anything. That woman blamed you for nothing." "B-but i'm the f-freak, i'm always w-wrong." The girl gasps. "Darling, you are anything but a freak! You are beautiful, and perfect just the way you are." I smile a shaky smile. "I'm Christina, Christina Cimorelli." Christina introduces herself. "I'm Danielle Kleckenberg. Stupid surname, i know." I blush when i say my surname, it's so stupid.
"Can i ask you something?" I ask shyly.
"Of course!"
"W-why did you hug me just then? You don't even know me." I stutter a bit, wiping away any remaining tears on my face.
"Well, you where upset. I hate seeing people upset." I smile up at her again.
"Now, shall we go back downstairs and show everyone how incredibly strong you are?" I nod, feeling new confidence with Christina.
I walk downstairs with Christina's hand on my shoulder.
I see another boy who looks about 18 or 19, and two grown-ups, talking to Rosminda.
Christina goes to where her -i think- parents are, and immediately Jacob starts rambling of apologies. "Jac, it's okay, really. You didn't do anything" i say, smiling at Jacob.
Then Christina comes up to me. "Go pack Danielle, you're coming with us!" She says excitedly.
Wat? I'm getting adopted? I stand there, frozen.
"Come on then!" Christina pulls me up to my bedroom, and helps me pack. But i know i won't be staying there forever. I'm Danielle, the one who's parents abandoned her. Soon, i'll be back here, like with the other three families that adopted me.

A/N okay, i know this is very short, the next chapters will be over 1000 words, i promise! Well, hope you enjoyed this quick short first chapter, next chapter will be on Friday :)

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