Abandoned // Chapter Sixteen

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Katherine picked up a shirt out of the washing basket and sighed as she saw a huge hole in it. "Another shirt down the drain." Katherine's son Charlie sure was a handful, even at the age of three, but she loved him. The twenty eight year old continued putting clothes in the washing machine, but was interrupted by a loud cry. Katherine hurried to her 10 month old son, picked him up out of crib and softly rocked him. He kept crying and Katherine then realised he was hungry. She quickly grabbed a bottle she had already filled with milk, and fed him. Then she burped him, without any puking. Thank goodness, Katherine thought, as she now continued rocking him, singing him a soft lullaby. Katherine still had her passion for singing, and her sons and husband enjoyed listening to her. She actually met Spencer, her husband, when she sang small concerts, and at pubs. She loved singing with Christina, and with Alex, who had a surprisingly good voice. Charlie and Jai, Christina's son,  where good friends, and Danielle and Katerina, Christina's daughters, loved playing with Sam, Katherine's youngest son. She still had contact with Lauren, but only a little. There was slight tension between the two, but she would never stop loving Lauren, or any of her sisters. Including Dani. She visits Dani's grave nearly every week, prays for her every time she goes to church, and tears up whenever something mentions 'angel'. Katherine still loves Dani with all her heart. Katherine looked down at little Sam, to see with great relief he was sound asleep. Katherine took a few moments just to look at her little boy and then carefully put him back in his crib. Leaving the room, Katherine heard the sound of keys and nearly flew downstairs to greet her husband. He hugged her tightly. "How was work?" She asked, pulling away from his arms. "Great, my supervisor is currently going through my files and might give me a promotion." "Spencer! That's amazing!" Katherine exclaimed. Spencer smiled. "Where are my boys?" He asked. "Charlie is at a friends house, and Sam is upstairs, asleep. I was just about to start dinner." Katherine said, stepping towards the kitchen, but Spencer wasn't having it. Katherine suddenly felt arms around her waist. "No darling. Tonight, i'll do the cooking." He said in a deep voice. A smile tugged at Katherine's lips. "But first, let's go see to Sam." Katherine nearly laughed as she heard a loud cry from upstairs. Katherine and Spencer went up the steps to their Sam. Spencer walked over to the crib and picked his crying baby up. "Hey bubba, why the tears?" He rocked Sam up and down. Katherine smiled at the interaction between her youngest and her husband. She was the most blessed person in the whole world. "Do you want mummy?" Spencer asked Sam and then looked at Katherine, who went over to them and got Sam off Spencer. She pulled a funny face, turning Sam's tears into giggles. "You're so good with kids." I turned around to see Spencer smiling at me. "Well, i had to keep my younger siblings entertained." Katherine answered. When they finally managed to get Sam to sleep, Katherine went back to do the washing and Spencer went to do the cooking. Katherine continued putting shirts, trousers and socks into the washing machine, coming across a few more holes. Katherine shook her head and smiled. She loved her boys. She loved singing. She loved her family. But she hated them too. Hated Lauren, Lisa and Christina for giving up on Dani, hated Amy for yelling at her. Hated Dani for leaving her. What? She had never, ever been angry at Dani for what had happened. She had always been angry at W, who's name turned out to be Natasha W. Seaman. She wondered how she would feel if they hadn't adopted Dani. Their wouldn't be any of the sad feelings, the regrets, the fights. But they wouldn't have an amazing little sister to love and care for. Katherine was confused. Did she hate Dani, or any of her sisters, or did she love them? That's when she picked something up that she was very surprised to see, an old sweater. I haven't seen this for years! Katherine thought. How did this end up here? Katherine was about to throw it away when she felt something rustling in the pocket. She put her hand in the right pocket and grabbed what seemed to be a piece of paper, and something else she couldn't quite figure out what it was. She lifted her hand out of the pocket and saw herself looking at a photograph, and a little note. The photograph was of all the sisters without Dani, looking happy. This must've been around 2012. Katherine opened the folded little note and started to read it.
Dear Katherine,
I don't know when you will read this, or how life will be when you read this but i just wanted to tell you something. I know that when i die you'll be upset, sad. I just want you to be happy. Look at the photograph. All of you, hugging, smiling. If you lost that relationship with your family, please rebuild it. For me. Because i love you.
Katherine looked at the note in shock, then she stared at the photograph. Dani was right. Katherine grabbed her phone and phoned Lauren, Lisa, and Christina to come for lunch the next day. They all agreed. Then, she went to find Amy's phone number. Amy lost contact with her whole family after Dani died, but Katherine knew their must be some kind of way to figure it out. Katherine grabbed a big phone book and went to look for the C. She found Alex, but no Amy. Then, there where three Amy Cimorelli's. She wrote down their phone numbers and started to phone. The first one was Russian, the second one was a man, so it had to be the third one. Taking a deep breath, Katherine dialled the number, and heard Amy's beautiful voice saying hello.
"Amy? It's me, Katherine."

A/N i counted the votes for the 'Important' chapter yesterday and Lauren's is 1 and Dani's is B :)

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