Abandoned // Chapter Nineteen

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Lauren chewed anxiously at her nails. She had lost everything. Her job, her house, her phone. Her life was perfect until she completely messed up. Stupid. "Ma'm, is there anywhere you can stay?" Lauren snapped her head up to see a police woman looking at her. What? Lauren had half expected them to throw her on the streets. Well, Lauren had a few options. Not Amy, Amy just got a baby. Not Joey or Nick, or Christian. Lisa was busy touring. That left Katherine, Christina, Alex, Mike and her parents. No, Kath was helping Amy. Alex just got a new job and Mike wasn't in America. That left one option. "Yes, can i phone?" Lauren answered. The police officer gave Lauren a phone and Lauren dialled Christina's number. "Chris? It's Lauren. Yeah, i've uhm, got a bit of a crisis. Can i stay with you for a while? Yes, please pick me up at Lancaster Police Station. Thanks" Lauren handed back the phone and waited patiently for Christina. Christina arrived quickly, and Lauren picked up her stuff and got into the passengers seat. "Why are you at a police station?" Christina asked curiously. "I'll explain the situation when we get to your house." Lauren simply answered, resting her head on her hand as she stared out of the window. She started daydreaming and didn't realised the car had stopped. "Laur, we're at my place." Christina touches Lauren's shoulder. Lauren looked back at Christina and Christina flashed a smile. "C'mon, i'm hungry!" Christina says getting out of the car. Lauren smiles and gets out too. "So you know my kids right? Danielle, Jai and Katerina?" Lauren nods. Danielle. Painful to hear that name. They get in and are immediately greeted by little kids. "Auntie Lauren!" Katerina says holding up her arms for Lauren to pick her up. Lauren picked her up and swung her round laughing. "Aunt Lauren! Aunt Lauren!" The twins came running up to her and she put Katerina down and hugged both of them. "Kat, Dan, Jai, go help daddy in the kitchen okay?" Christina suggested and they all ran to the kitchen laughing. "Laur, please tell me why you where at the police station." Christina said, a hint of pleading in her voice. Lauren takes a deep breathe, before starting. "I lost all my money drinking. Then i lost my phone, tv, and i had to sell most of my belongings. It wasn't enough and i lost my house. Now all i have left is a few clothes." Lauren looked down. "Seriously? Drinking? Lauren!" Christina stepped closer. "We're Catholic! I thought mum and dad raised you better!" Lauren looked up sharply. "You have no right to say that!" Lauren stepped closer too. Christina glared at Lauren. "I got over that nearly as soon as the problem started! I didn't mess up my entire life like you are right now!" Christina yelled. Lauren pointed her finger at Christina. "I hate you, Christina Lynne. I'll move out in a few days." Lauren stalked off, leaving Christina fuming. Christina muttered to herself as she angrily started clearing things away. Lauren can deal with her own problems, because I am not going to help her! Christina thought. Lauren losing all her money to drinking! Who would have thought it? Christina sighed.

Lauren walked off to the spare room, where she guessed she would be sleeping in. I though i could trust Christina! Obviously not. Lauren thought. Christina should be supportive! She should help me! Great big sister that. Lauren wished that Dani was still here. Dani would always support her! Dani wasn't even my biological sister, but still she was a better sister than Christina! Lauren wiped a tear away with the back of her hand and sat on her bed. She sighed, taking a deep breath. This is really, really messed up.

Christina woke up, startled by a noise. Automatically expecting it to be Katerina, Christina quickly jumped out of bed, but stopped, when she heard no other noise. It was probably the wind. Christina decided. She got back into bed and shut her eyes, but still she couldn't help wondering what the noise was. Then, she heard it again. This time, Christina sat up, and waited to hear it again. She heard a quiet sound of crying. That wasn't Katerina, Jai, or Danielle. Christina looked to her right, and saw Nick still sleeping deeply. She quietly got out of bed and tiptoed out of the room. Where was the noise coming from? Downstairs! Christina quietly walked down the stairs and shivered. It was cold and creepy. There the noise was again! More confidently, Christina stepped into the living room. Nothing. Then, she quietly stepped further. Christina put her head round the corner of the kitchen. She saw a figure, sobbing, and standing by the counter holding a bottle. "Lauren!" Christina hissed, running up to Lauren and pulling her away from the counter. The bottle smashed, and alcohol covered the sisters. Lauren fell to the floor, hands shaking, desperately trying to put the pieces together. "Stop! Lauren-" Christina lowered herself in front of Lauren and grabbed her hands. "No! Let go!" Lauren tried to get her hands out of Christina's grip. "Calm down!" Christina yelled. Lauren pulled her hands away and put her head in them, sobbing. "Stop! I hate you!" Lauren pushed herself away from Christina. "Lauren please!" Christina felt tears building up in her own eyes. "Help me.." Lauren looked up at Christina. Christina moved up to Lauren and put her arms around her. "I love you Laur, i love you. I'm here." Christina kept whispering to Lauren, calming her.

"I don't know Chris." Lauren and Christina where trying to find a way to help Lauren, and Christina suggested joining a group that helped with that. "Please Lauren. It will help, i know it will." Christina looked pleadingly at Lauren. "Okay, i'll try it." Lauren gave in. Christina smiled at Lauren. "It will help Lauren, i swear it will." Lauren smiled back at Christina. "I'll get over this problem, i know i will. For Dani." "For Dani."

A/N this chapter is two days late, sorry guys!
Next chapter is the last chapter :((

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