Abandoned // Chapter Eighteen

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Amy flipped through the channels, looking for something interesting to watch. She placed her free hand on the big bump on her stomach. Her child. Amy continued flipping through the channels until a name on the news caught her attention. Lisa Cimorelli. Amy continued watching with interest as they talked about Lisa. "Lisa Cimorelli seen at airport, going to California after her boyfriend Jason Casp was seen storming out of the apartment they where staying at. Fans are distressed about the what seemed to be a happy couple, but..." Amy then turned it off. All the stupid rumours, that was the one thing she hated about being famous. Amy heard about Lisa a lot, seeing as she was a famous singer. This made Amy happy, but also upset. She had left her sisters after Dani's funeral, and hadn't spoken to them since. At times Amy felt guilty about that, but then again she hated them. Hated her family. Absolutely. Except Dani, Amy missed Dani. Amy looked down at her bump. Eight months pregnant, she was. Amy got off the couch and went into the kitchen when the phone rung. She hurried to the living room to the pick the phone up. "Hello?" Amy asked. "Amy? It's me, Katherine." Amy gasped and dropped the phone. Katherine. Her sister, had found her. Amy couldn't help but feel a little bit excited about that. She picked the phone up again. "Hi.. Kath." Amy said, a bit hesitantly. "Amy? I missed you!" Katherine's voice seemed full of joy, Amy wondered why. Hadn't she yelled at Katherine that day in the hospital? "Kath, i can't believe it." Amy found herself getting happier and happier too. "Oh my gosh Amy, i need to see you again! Where do you live now?" Amy drew in her breathe when she heard this. Did she want to visit Katherine? Did she want to tell her where she lived? "I have so much to tell you!" Katherine added. Before Amy, could stop herself, she told Katherine where she lived. "In Texas. I moved to Texas." Amy said. "That's great! I live in California, we can maybe arrange to meet up sometime?" "Yeah!" Amy said, her mood growing and growing. They arranged some meet up times, and then hung up. Amy put the phone down with her face glowing. "Honey, i'm home!" Amy looked up to see her fiancé, Hunter. Hunter kissed Amy's cheek before putting his hands on Amy's stomach. "I hope you haven't given mummy to much trouble today have you?" Hunter asks the unborn baby. Amy laughs. "The baby kicked a lot, i think we've got a little footballer on our hands." Hunter laughs with Amy. "Hunt, Katherine, my sister, just called me. We're going to visit her in two weeks!" Amy says excitedly. "Amy that's amazing! Are you sure about this though?" Hunter asked. "Yes. I want to see Katherine, maybe the others too. It's been eight years." Amy says, looking into Hunters eyes. Hunter looked back at her. They stayed like that for a while, mesmerised by each other. Then Hunter softly kissed Amy. "I love you." They both say at the same time, before giggling.
"C'mon Hunter c'mon!" Amy yells, running across the airport. Hunter laughs and runs faster to keep up with her. "Your excited!" He says. "Yes!" Amy says, laughing with a determined look on her face. Amy was still bubbly and always smiling. She had slept most of the plane ride, and was now ready to go. Amy and Hunter got to the airport door and went outside, getting into the nearest taxi. Amy gave the driver Katherine's address. Around half an hour later they get there. Hunter gives the driver money and then he and Amy get out. They walk up the front porch, and Hunter grabs Amy's hand. She's nervous, and he know's it. Amy takes a deep breath before ringing the doorbell, waiting nervously for Katherine to open the door. Instead of Katherine, a little boy around four opened it. "Hello?" He says, trying to recognise the couple. "Hello. Uhm, does someone named Katherine live here?" Amy asks nervously, worried she has the wrong address. "Yes, that's my mommy!" The boy says with a smile. "I'll call her! Mummy! Someone at the door for you!" Katherine's son yells the last bits. They hear footsteps, before Katherine emerges. "Charlie, don't yell like that. Who is i-" Katherine stops when she sees Amy and clasps her hand over her mouth, before running up to Amy and hugging her. "Amy, oh my gosh!" "Kath!" "Amy, i can't believe you're here!" Katherine says when they let go. "Well, i am!" Amy laughed. "It's so good to see you! How are you?" Katherine asks, leading Amy to the couch as Hunger goes to talk with Katherine's husband. "I'm good! Eight months pregnant!" Amy says. "Really? Wow! Are you sure you can travel though?" Katherine asks uncertainly. "Yes!" Amy answers. The pair talked for a while. "Shall i get some biscuits?" Katherine asks, standing up. "Please!" Amy says, laughing. Katherine walks to the kitchen until she hears Amy yell. "Kath! Hunter!" Katherine runs to the living room, to Amy, seeing her lying on the sofa, breathing heavily. "Babe?!" Hunter comes running in. "Ames what's wrong?" Katherine asks concerned. "The baby's coming!" Amy yells through breaths. "What? It's one month too early!" Hunter looks up at Katherine, confused. "Get me to the hospital!" Amy lets out a groan of pain. "I'll get the car!" Katherine says, as Hunter picks Amy up. They lie Amy down in the back and Hunter and Katherine get in the front. Katherine quickly drove, wincing a few times as she heard Amy in pain. They arrived at the hospital, got Amy in as she leaned on Hunter and explained the situation to the nurse hurriedly. A few doctors took Amy away and we had to wait. "Are you okay?" Katherine asked Hunter after a few moments of silence. "Yeah, i just... It's a month too early and i'm worried." Katherine sighed. It was true. Amy could be gone from her life just as Katherine had found her. Hours seemed to pass as they waited, until finally they got called by the nurse. They walked into the room to see a beaming, tired looking Amy, holding a tiny creature. Amy looked at Hunter. "We made it Hunt. This is our baby girl."

A/N Amy is a mother! Lauren's next. Lauren's might come out a little later but i hope not.

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