Abandoned // Chapter Twelve

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*Word count: 1055*

"Guys, we have to, it's the only way. She's traumatised and hurt and she's just gonna get worse here."
What the heck? Even though my eyes are closed bright lights are shining painfully in my eyes.
"At night she sometimes wakes up breathing heavily, and crying. I think it's panic attacks but i'm not sure."
"She also has nightmares, it's scary sometimes."
"We can't send her away, she's twelve! A little girl. With our help she can open up a bit and get better."
"Ames, think realistically. Is she really going to get better here?"
Yes, yes i am. Please don't send me back to the orphanage. Please. I try to open my eyes, or speak, but it doesn't work
My silent pleads aren't heard.
"I agree with Amy. She needs us. She'll hate us if we send her to rehab!" Rehab? Rather the orphanage. No, wait. Neither. I want to stay here and be a Cimorelli forever. "Have you seen how broken she is? Her nightmares, and panic attacks? She needs help Kath." Please, Katherine and Amy. Please convince them to let me stay. "I can't believe you guys! She's our little sister. We can help her." Amy's stubborn side was showing, god how much i love that stubborn side right now. Please, please, don't send me away. I'll get better, i promise.
"Professional people can help her better. Come on Cupcake Bubbles." Lisa tried persuading them, using Amy's nickname. I nearly start crying.
"Do not call me that Lisa. Dani will hate those professional people, she'll hate us. Think Lisa! " Amy stayed strong. Katherine was quiet but it wasn't in her nature to argue, she didn't like it. "You think Amy! Maybe Dani won't even survive this." Lisa argues. My mouth goes dry. What?
"Amy, come on! Dani and i have the closest relationship and even i can see rehab is better for her!" Not anymore Lauren, not anymore. Then there was a loud slam and silence. What happened? Is everything okay? "Katherine!? Where are you going?!" Christina shrieked. "Give her space." Lisa says, but i can tell by the sound of her voice she's just really annoyed with Katherine, and probably also with Amy. "You guys are impossible!" Amy yells at the other girls. Wow, did Amy seriously just yell? Amy never yells. Never. Did i cause this? "Amy, calm down. Just take a d-" Christina starts, but Amy cuts her off. "No, i will not calm down. I will also not let you talk about Dani that way. Get out, and come back in a few days." Amy hisses. "Wha-? Am-" Amy cuts Lisa off too. "Get out." She says, a lot of anger in her voice. Then there's silence, and i can hear shuffling of feet, and a door slamming. "Dani, the doctor said that you might be able to hear me. If you can, i'm sorry about Christina, Lisa, and Lauren. Just hang in there. I know you can do it. I love you Dani."
I love you too, Amy.


My sisters want to send Dani to rehab. She'll hate it. I know she will. When Lauren said that rehab was better for Dani, i ran out, slamming the door. The doctor said Dani could hear us. Did she hear all of that? Everything is going wrong. The stress made mum sick, Alex, Michael and dad are arguing every five seconds, the little boys keep getting in the way and end up breaking something, and Christina, Lisa, and Lauren want to send Dani to rehab. The only person who is some what normal is Amy. What about the fans? I quickly log onto Twitter. I see lots of tweets asking where we are.
Cimfam908: what's going on? Why aren't the girls online?
Lisacim7: @/cimorelliband you haven't been online for days. What's wrong?
Kamycim2001: WHAT'S WRONG??? @/kathcim is everything okay?
Oh no. Should i tweet something? Yeah, i'll tweet something.
Kathcim: sorry for not being online guys, we have some family problems. We still love you all, but we can't be online much. Sorry everyone!
Immediately the fans are trending '#PrayingForCimorelli' '#TheCimFamilyInOurHearts' and more.
One day the CimFam are going to rule the world. I look into the mirror and quickly fix my makeup, then i open the bathroom door and walk out. I hear soft crying coming from Dani's room, i recognise it immediately. "Amy? Are you okay?" I open the door, and ask her. "Go a-away Kathe-rine." She sniffles. "No Ames, tell me what's wrong." I say firmly. "Go away!" She stands up and yells at me. I take a step back. I was only trying to help her! I glare at Amy and then leave, walking past Christina, Lisa, and Lauren, and out the door. I get into my car, and drive back home. I get in and the noise hits me like a tsunami. I run upstairs and into my room. I pull out my notebook and start writing. Faster, faster. Harder. I scribble fast and push the pen in too far, and then it rips. I throw the notebook against the wall and start sobbing. I frantically scramble through my notebooks, my tears ruining the paper. I keep getting crazy thoughts, terrible thoughts. I start crying harder and get more frantic and frantic. I rip out all the pages of one of my notebooks and leave them strewn over the floor. I grab a pillow and throw it against the wall, then i fall to the floor and grab my stomach, praying for the pain and tears to stop. "HELP ME! HELP ME! Please! Help me!" I scream, looking up at the ceiling. I can hear all the arguing downstairs and it makes me sob even harder. I get myself up and look in the mirror, nearly screaming at my sight. My hair is a mess, mascara is covering my cheeks. My eyes look sad, broken. I am broken. Please god, help me. Help Dani, help my family. I slowly calm myself down, and wipe all the tears and mascara off my face, then i grab a hairbrush and brush my hair. Then their's a huge crash.

A/N aw Katherine, bb we love you. What's wrong with Dani, do you guys think? And some Damy feels :)

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