Chapter 14

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For the remaining days of the week, Seraphina maintained her usual sassy attitude, effortlessly navigating the challenges that Clara threw her way. It was almost a game at this point; Seraphina would make a witty remark, and Clara would retaliate with snide comments, but Seraphina always found a way to come out on top. However, one day, a shift occurred. A sudden wave of quietness enveloped Seraphina, though Elara was the only one who knew the reason behind it. They had concocted a plan, a twist that would leave Mr. Pedro baffled.

As she approached the dining room that afternoon, the usual spark in her eyes was replaced with an air of calm serenity. She served Mr. Pedro his lunch, her hands steady, her expression neutral. When he glanced up from his meal, she summoned her courage and asked, “Sir, may I be granted permission to leave?”

His surprise was palpable. He raised an eyebrow, momentarily stunned. “What do you mean?” he asked, confusion etched across his handsome features.

Seraphina feigned humility, lowering her gaze as if contemplating the gravity of her request. “I just thought… perhaps I could take a break?”

After a moment of hesitation, Mr. Pedro replied, “Yes, you may leave.”

With that, she walked away, her steps measured, the picture of obedience. But the moment she stepped out of his line of sight, the facade crumbled. Elara was waiting just outside the door, her face split into a wide grin.

“What was that?” Elara burst out, unable to hold back her laughter. “You should have seen your face! He looked like a lost puppy!”

Seraphina joined in the laughter, the tension of the moment evaporating into the air. “I can’t believe I pulled that off! He was so confused! I think I really got him this time.”

They shared a conspiratorial giggle, the kind that echoed through the halls, their laughter ringing with delight. The rest of the maids stared at them, bewildered by their sudden merriment, but they didn’t care. This was their little victory.

In the days that followed, Seraphina kept up the act. She would serve Mr. Pedro his meals, each time carefully balancing her playful demeanor with this newfound subtlety. The plan was working better than she had hoped; Mr. Pedro was intrigued, perhaps even curious, about her shift in behavior.

Elara couldn’t help but tease her. “You’re going to give him whiplash at this rate! Just wait until he figures it out!”

Seraphina chuckled, but deep down, she relished the challenge. There was something exhilarating about this game they were playing, and she felt more alive than ever. With Clara continuing to stir trouble, Seraphina knew she had to stay on her toes. But with Elara by her side, she felt ready to face whatever Clara—or Mr. Pedro—threw her way next.

Little did she know, her quiet act had not gone unnoticed. Mr. Pedro began observing her more closely, and a spark of curiosity ignited in him. What was this maid hiding behind her facade? And how long could she keep up the act? The tension between them crackled in the air, waiting for the right moment to explode into something unexpected.

After a few days of playful scheming and maintaining her facade, Seraphina felt a surge of confidence. She had successfully completed step one of her plan to win Mr. Pedro’s heart—or at least to get his attention. With a determined glint in her eye, she approached Marie in the maid’s quarters, her heart racing with anticipation.

“Marie,” Seraphina began, her voice steady, “I think I’m ready for step two. Elara said you’re the one who can help me with it.”

Marie looked up from her chores, a knowing smile creeping onto her lips. “Ah, so you’ve made it this far, have you?” She brushed her hands on her apron, her eyes sparkling with intrigue. “Well, step two is all about creating memorable moments. You need to show Mr. Pedro a side of yourself he’s never seen before.”

“What do I need to do?” Seraphina asked, her excitement bubbling over.

Marie leaned in, lowering her voice conspiratorially. “It’s simple but effective. You’ll want to find a way to catch his attention when he least expects it. Plan a small surprise—something that’ll make him see you in a new light. It could be a special meal, a little note, or even an unexpected encounter. The goal is to be memorable and show him that there’s more to you than just a maid.”

Seraphina nodded eagerly, her mind racing with possibilities. “How do I make sure it’s special enough?”

“Think about what he enjoys,” Marie replied thoughtfully. “If he often takes evening strolls in the garden, consider preparing a cozy little spot for him to relax. Set up some lanterns, prepare a small snack—something that would make him feel appreciated and cared for.”

Seraphina’s excitement grew as she listened, her imagination igniting with ideas. “That sounds perfect!”

“Just remember, confidence is key,” Marie added, her expression encouraging. “Show him that you’re not just a maid, but someone who can bring joy into his life.”

“Thank you, Marie! I’ll make sure to do my best,” Seraphina exclaimed, determination flooding her veins.

With that, she left the maid’s quarters, the words of Marie echoing in her mind. Each step filled her with a mix of excitement and nervousness as she contemplated what the next move would be.

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