Quizzzzzzz (BOO)

291 15 38

1.Where do Percy and Annabeth decide to stay for their senior year of high school?

2. What was Hephaestus doing during the battle against the giants?

3. What was the first thing Calypso said to Leo after he crash-landed on Ogygia?

4.What did Venus/Aphrodite say to Reyna in Charleston?

5.Which Roman term means "assume battle stance"?

A)Ad aciem
B)Ave Romae
D)pontifex maximus

6.What is the name of the character that Tristan McLean portrays in his new movie?

7.How far did Apollo's arrow fly when he fired his bow on the island of Delos?

A)300 feet
B)200 feet
C)100 feet
D)150 feet

8.Who said "Oh, you want to turn down our offer? Okay, fine! ZAP! Lose your memory! Go to Tartarus!"

9.What was the name of the element that Asclepius's snake consumed that meant certainty of death?

A)Pylosian sage
B)Pylosian mint
C)Pylosian thyme
D)the Curse of Delos

10. What song did Hygeia, Asclepius's receptionist, sing as the demigods exited the doctor's office?

11.What tattoo did Michael Kahale have, and where?

A)A dove tattoo on his neck
B)A dove tattoo on his bicep
C)A spear tattoo on his wrist
D)A dove tattoo on his tricep
E)None of the above

Also, when you type your answers do the question no. As well. Questions with the opinions you just put the letter.

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