*faints* -.- *dies by cuteness*

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I got this idea from Mickey1763 and edited it a little. Remember got any ideas or memes, contact me 😊 I give out credit!

*monsters approaching Grover, Annabeth, and Percy*

Grover's mind: we are dead, we are dead, we are dead. It's gonna crush, it's gonna crush us, crush us, crush- *faints*

Annabeth's mind: Grrrrr... You kidding me! Why are there so many! Thank you, Gods, for having soooo many enemies! You must get lovely cards for Christmas... -.-

Percy: omg, that dog over there is Sooo cute! I could just die by looking at it! I only see ugly beastly faces like everyday, and this ball of fluff would dolphinely win cutest thing of the year!

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