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tantrum 癇癪

The woman turned around, her golden gaze raking over the utter sight in front of her. It was difficult to discern what had captured her attention first. The sorcerer before her was at least a foot taller than her and towered over her with a deeply menacing presence, though his unusual height was not his only striking characteristic. The various curves of his muscular build were adorned with harsh black markings that curled to form patterns over his body and face- the same face which was obscured by a strange growth on one half. The demon also observed that the sorcerer before her had four arms and four eyes. Four striking red eyes- each one locked onto the four of her own. With her peripheral, she was taken aback by the presence of a.. Mouth?? Upon his abdomen?? 

She knew exactly who she was looking at. A powerful sorcerer who pursued a reign of terror. Sukuna. 

- But the stories of the village folk had never mentioned a mouth upon his abdomen?????

The woman fought with all within her to tear her eyes from his crippling gaze so she could really marvel at the peculiar body of the man standing in front of her- however the pure menace in his stare rendered each of her limbs frozen. His handsome, angular and blood-spattered face held an expression which had gotten lost somewhere between confusion and anger. Her breath hitched as he drew in air to speak.

'is this reverse cursed technique that you use? I saw my technique rip straight through you- yet you stand here still in one piece?' his eyes held a certain disdain as his mind raced to comprehend the situation he was in. The woman possessed no cursed energy: how could she have survived his technique?

Having taken a minute to allow the chilling sensation of the sorcerer's aura to wear off, y/n studied his expression carefully. She absorbed each crease and furrow inch by inch- much to his dismay. Clearly he was not familiar with the virtue of patience. He grunted out of sheer frustration 'well? Speak, woman, do you possess reverse cursed technique!?'

Y/n quietly scoffed at the man's blatant impatience, a shot of confidence bursting through her body as she finished sizing him up. 'no, i do not. I am no sorcerer'. The man's furious expression faltered and the anger on his features melted away into blankness. 'dismantle'. Once again y/n felt her flesh tear, and once again her body replenished itself before a single drop of her blood had been spilt.

That blazing fury that graced his face very quickly returned. 'How dare you lie to me! And how dare you address me with such attitude! dismantle!' once again, it appeared to him that the attack had no effect. His mouth hung open in anger as he observed the smirk that spread across her lips. 'surely you must've noticed that your technique is no use?' her condescending tone was akin to fingernails on a chalkboard in his head and the flame of his fury burned brighter. He drew in a deep breath, exhaling loudly and flaring his nostrils as he stepped towards her using his height as an advantage to tower over her. 'i can see my slices rip through your body. You are being sliced. correct?' he spoke matter-of-factly, as if explaining it more to himself than to her. Her bottom eyes rolled in their sockets and his nearly burst out of his head. He unconsciously folded two arms, while the other two hands rested on his hips. Sassy. 'yes. That is correct.' y/n took it upon herself to retort with just as much sass, displeased a mortal sorcerer was showing her such attitude.

The pair went back and forth like that for a small while, venting their grievances with one another in small acts of micro-aggression. Eventually, Sukuna had come to understand the nature of y/n's being, and y/n had learnt Sukuna's name... that's about it. That, and that he's a bloodthirsty tyrant who wishes very dearly that he could kill her. Pleasant.

'It truly is a shame im confined to these talismans, i'd deem you to be a worthy opponent to me' y/n laced her voice with extra arrogance, revelling in the way her words were able to wear Sukuna's patience so thin. The man scoffed loudly and puffed out his chest, rolling his eyes dramatically 'excuses excuses. If you were not blessed with your immortality, i'd strip your ratty scalp from your piggish little head!'. Y/n raised an eyebrow, her features laced with amusement at his small outburst. She cocked her head to the side and let her words roll playfully off her tongue 'hmmm.. i highly doubt that!' Sukuna wanted nothing more than to slice her in half so he wouldn't have to disgrace his eyes with the sight of her cheery expression any longer. 'argh! Simply tear them from your wrists so we may settle this petty debate!' he stepped away from her and threw his head back in annoyance like some angry toddler. Y/n made a point of letting out an exaggerated sigh 'well i would, but someone happened to slice the sorcerer who placed them upon me into seven parts and now I'M going to have to wait however many millennia it takes for them to weaken until i can peel them off myself!' Sukuna turned his head away and pouted, grumbling under his breath. Just like an angry toddler. 

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