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ready 準備ができて

Separated by a few metres, the remainder of the walk through the forest towards Sukuna's residence was silent. Y/n was thankful that she was free from the human tribulation  of getting cold as she took in her snow-capped surroundings. It seemed as if the further they wandered, the more picturesque the scenery got- the view tainted however by the overwhelming feeling of evil. Oh well, once she was able to get her hands on a yari or katana and begin training she was sure it wouldn't creep her out as much. She'd already experienced some weird shit in the hundred or so years she'd been on earth anyways. 

It was a few thousand more paces before they finally reached the top of the mountain where Sukuna's grand residence rolled into view. Y/n couldn't stop herself from gaping at the sight of the fortress, which stood proudly dangerously close to the edge of the cliff, brandishing it in the natural light. She was surprised at the attention to detail which had been poured into the appearance of the castle, surrounded by beech and stone pine trees, and decorated with very pleasant colouring. She beamed at the sight and jogged silently towards Sukuna who approached the door, being careful to not make the snow crunch which would alert him of her nearing. 

Sukuna, who had finally put out his fiery rage during the snowy walk was pleased to see his house had been kept in good condition; those new staff were not as incompetent as they had appeared at first, clearly. He was almost in a good mood, until he was startled by a 'boo!'. Immediately his cursed heart skipped about three beats and he drew in a short, sharp breath and snapped his head around, instantly slicing y/n's head into two. She appeared in front of him, giggling deviously, and he did not hesitate to roar at her. 

'I know you're a lowly demon and it is your stupid nature, but should you dare to startle me again and i shall make it my personal mission to have your soul crushed so no land may ever be cursed with your presence again!' He breathed heavily and a sneaky hand went to clutch at his drumming heart as the shock subsided. Y/n didn't let his comment affect her, and instead smirked at him playfully 'awhh did i scare the mighty Sukuna?'. The man didn't even respond (or hesitate). Instead, he used one foot to kick her chest and launch her into a nearby tree. Ouch. 

He swiftly turned on his heel and strolled into his residence after the magnificent gate opened, with y/n following behind breathlessly. There was a booming clatter as the large gate shut behind them, and Sukuna stopped in the middle of the courtyard, looking dead ahead boredly. Y/n on the other hand was allowing her eyes to roam freely, drinking in the elegance of her surroundings. She tore her eyes away from the majestic view and turned to an annoyingly also majestic view stood next to her. 'It really is a very beautiful place, and it's position is very pretty too. The view from the top of the mountain here is breathtaking' her words lacked the teasing edge they had previously held, and she looked up at him despite that fact all four ruby red eyes of his remained dead ahead. She tacked on a quiet 'thank you for granting me entry' and turned her head away again, just in time to miss the bottom pair of eyes turn to look straight at her. Sukuna didn't acknowledge what she had said for a short moment, too busy wondering what was causing the sensation in his chest. He shrugged it off and responded with an air of arrogance. 'hmm, yes.. I am a king after all. It is only right for me to have refined taste.' The small smile that had snuck onto y/n's face quickly pressed into a flat line as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, though she'd be lying if she said his pure pompousness was amusing to her. 

It had barely been a minute of silence after that interaction before a monk with a white bob appeared before them and bowed deeply to Sukuna, revealing the plum stripe that ran across the back of their hair. 'hello, Master Sukuna, how may i be of assistance?' the monk spoke monotonously, with a smooth and oddly soothing voice. Y/n liked it. 'ah, Uraume, you have done well: everything appears in order' Sukuna spoke to them fondly, and y/n figured the monk must've worked for Sukuna for a while to achieve such familiarity. 'thank you, master' She wondered how many servants Sukuna must have, and doubted that they were all as close to him as this Uraume. 'Yes, well, i have a new task for you. Please give this.. woman a tour and then escort her and leave her in the training area. She has a right to train with.. hmm.. any tools she desires from the armoury. It's time somebody used them.' Y/n was a little offended at Sukuna's persistent unwillingness to address her as a human. She knew she wasn't really a human, but must he keep making such a point about it? whatever, he was doing her a favour here so she kept on her best behaviour. The monk nodded 'I will see it done. Also, the concubine Murasaki has requested an audience with you in your bath house an hour from now, once it is dark out. What shall i tell her?' Sukuna pondered for a moment. That feeling in his chest had subsided and he had decided he was in good enough health to pleasure himself. In fact, the idea of releasing some of the pent up frustration he felt at the idea of y/n living on his residence sounded quite appealing. 'Tell her the audience has been granted, and i will join her five minutes after the hour.' Y/n could guess what their "audience" would consist of. She knew her and Sukuna wouldn't be exactly friends, but a small part of her had at least hoped he would find a moment to talk to her. Even if it was just to threaten her over breaking the tools or something. Anything. Whatever.. he can have all the weird bathtub sex he wants. Y/n was ready to begin her life. 

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