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daily routine  俗事

from that night on, Sukuna did not see y/n at all. Days turned into weeks, which turned to months and soon spring dawned upon the mountain. Both of their routines had fallen into step and y/n found herself adjusting nicely to the place. Sukuna continued to task Uraume with indirectly assisting y/n's training, but his involvement with her ended there. He often found himself forgetting completely that she had been in his grounds at all, due to her silent movement and 0 cursed energy. 

It was back to his same old routine: go out in the day, destroy villages, kill curses and sorcerers, laugh manically, return to his castle, eat if he felt like it, see one of the concubines in the evening, spend the night in his quarters alone. Sukuna had struggles sleeping and thus told himself he didn't need sleep- leading him to spend many of the dark nights simply lounging in his chambers and pondering the bigger questions of his life. Though it sometimes felt heavy within him, Sukuna had never been able to truly grasp the loneliness of his day-to-day life. The little positive interaction he'd had with the world had shown him but a glimpse of what he was missing out on and he had never been shown personally such tenderness or love, so it wasn't as if he really missed it at all. Sukuna simply wondered what it was like more often nowadays. Thought about what it would feel like. He'd watch young village boys playing with their friends, and happy lovers sharing sweet kisses- and then he'd burn it all to the ground. He never received such affections so why should he want them now?

the only grey area in his thought process was his potentially infinite life-span, should he remain undefeated.  

A while ago when he first became a sorcerer and continued climbing the hierarchy of the jujutsu world, a young sorcerer of the Gojo clan who carried their innately loud mouth had told him 'It's a long time to spend alone, just sayin''. Sukuna had killed that fool slowly; he started by cutting off his tongue. 

Meanwhile, y/n was starting to get into the swing of things. She was a fast learner, and believed fate had been pushing her along with her training by leading her to various manuals and murals depicting great warriors. Her speed and precision was formidable, and she was finding that once she really got into the hang of performing her moves, her mind would be brought into an unmatched state of peacefulness. Satisfied with her abilities, y/n had begun to dedicate her time to other things as well, primarily reading, exploring, and with the warmer season rolling in she'd also taken up gardening. During the snow season the woman had spent plenty of time reading the various encyclopaedias in the library, and had learnt that the flower which bloomed often around her home was known here as a 'red spider lily'. Unfortunately the conditions on the top of the mountain would not allow for her to grow it, and there did not appear to be any flower beds free around the place. She had researched some other mountain wildflowers, believing they were quite beautiful, and had found various different species she could cultivate somewhere. Now the only question was where..

In the previous nights, y/n had wandered around the residence aimlessly: wandering towards buildings with lamps lit, tracing the perimeter and generally stalking the empty pathways through the late hours. This night was different; y/n walked with purpose. She felt no need to sneak considering she had never encountered another soul on one of her evening walks (save for the time she witnessed Uraume butcher a man from a 'safe' distance) and so confidently strode up to the grand gate of the residence with a determined sparkle in her eyes. As far as her lifespan was concerned at only a few centuries old y/n was to be considered youthful and energetic, and by mustering up as much of this excitement and vigor as she could find within herself she threw her body upwards and nicely cleared the twenty-metre tall gate. Perhaps the fact she was an otherworldly being was more responsible for handling the height of that jump than just her young age...

Allowing her broken ankle to fix itself, y/n stood still and just observed her surroundings for a moment. Her heightened senses and intuition indicated to her that the mountainous forest surrounding her went on for miles and miles, and it would be a wise idea to remain mindful of the path she took. After at least an hour of curious wandering, y/n had found the perfect spot to begin a garden in a clearing among the trees where the ground was nicely thawed and ready to accept the roots of new flowers. After yet another hour of more wandering, y/n had collected the seeds from what she recognised to be kerria from one of the many books she had read, and had planted these in hopes of the sunshine-yellow plant growing and blossoming. She found herself captivated in the moment as she sat and stared at the upturned earth where she had just laid the seed. Somehow, it made all the loneliness of her past few months, and in a way her whole life on earth, weigh down upon her all at once. The feeling only left her once she had begun her journey back towards the residence. Feeling the first light peek through the trees, she wondered what Sukuna was doing at the moment. 

As the same morning sun flooded into Sukuna's chambers and warmed his bare back, the man stood up and stretched slightly, getting ready to start the same day he had yesterday. Only one thing was different. In that moment where the sun touched his back, he had recalled his oddly silent guest and wondered what y/n was doing. 

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