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flowing  流れる

y/n danced in joyful circles, looping the training area and flailing the tachi around wildly. At last, she had perfected a certain move she had invented in her head. It was finally just about starting to feel as if she wasn't just wafting around the blade in the open night and was instead perfecting an art. Y/n revelled in her small victory and continued to give cries of joy and she tirelessly continued to perform various slices in the frosty air, hacking away at the great nothingness and throwing in occasional twirls, hops and jumps. Tomorrow, she concluded, would be dedicated to re-training her body to her innate speed and agility: yet another thing she had been stripped of when her wrists were bound in special jujutsu talismans.

Feeling extra bold, y/n threw herself into the air and swung the blade over to point it towards the earth, flipping her body in a semi-circle and multiplying the force with which she was able to drive the blade of the Tachi into the soft ground upon her landing. It wasn't as fast and she knew her body was capable of, but y/n felt elegant and impressed all the same. It was mesmerising to see the fabrics of her twelve layers and her silky hair lagging behind her body's movements, almost floating as if it all weighed nothing. Y/n had come to quite like the fashionable clothing of the noblewomen of the Heian Era, especially considering the weight and length of the materials posed no issue to her. It was always good to stay on trend; the only thing y/n was missing was the black teeth, however she feared she would never be able to join that trend as even in her unbridled form her fangs had been porcelain white. Charcoal didn't seem to help her on her mission to stay on trend either- which is odd considering its dark colour and tendency to stain, no?

Having been so lost in her training, and then in her thought, y/n had taken no notice of the looming presence that teetered on the grassy edge of the training field. Sukuna, not wishing to risk getting his freshly washed feet dirty elected to not storm completely over to the woman, but to instead stand menacingly next to the door of the armoury until she noticed he was there. At first, his fiery impatience had been getting the better of him as he stood, arms crossed and hands on hips, with a disgruntled expression- but a quiet jingle in the back of his mind told him that she was handling the weapon with considerable grace, considering its unfamiliarity. The curse's impatience could only remain occupied by that annoyance for so long, and when she decided she'd had enough practice and elected to just stand there and stare off into space, Sukuna could no longer bear it. Even the sound of him clearing his throat reeked with annoyance.

Nothing could've prepared y/n for the sight she was about to behold.

Sukuna, in nothing but a very loosely tied white yukata with still-damp hair and a very displeased expression, was stood merely metres away from her and judging by the underlying boredness of his expression, he had been there for some time. Trying desperately to rip her eyes from the muscle and skin that y/n knew was hiding under that fabric, she strolled towards him until they were only about two metres apart. damn.. he even smelt extra good.. damn.

'well, what can i help you with?' Y/n, still conscious that Sukuna was doing her a favour here, kept her sass in check. It was the least she could do, despite how difficult that unamused expression on his face was.

'Are you not going to explain the utter ruckus you're causing?' Sukuna's bottom eyes rolled and his tone made it sound as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Y/n's eyebrows flattened and she looked off to the side grumbling. The training area was so far out of the way from everywhere else on the grounds, how did he hear her little 'yippee!'? Y/n pouted.

'i wasn't being that loud, and really, this area is far from everywhere else so even if you did hear me, i can't have been loud enough to warrant this! im sorry if i disturbed your weird spiritual bathtub sex- im just putting this place to use' Sukuna also grumbled in the same way y/n had a moment before as he realised his defence was weak. He'd only heard her because of his immaculate senses, and his concubine had already left so it wasn't as if she'd disturbed his weird bathtub se-

'what did you just say, brat?' The curse's expression darkened and it suddenly felt as if he was looming over y/n, despite the distance between them. She grinned, unable to pass up the opportunity.

'if you were able to hear me cheering, you were definitely able to hear what i just said' she smirked at him, aware her own boldness would probably result in her death in the next few minutes. Sukuna could only huff- yet again, she had a valid point. He was about to turn on his heel and storm away to go and take out his anger on a bunch of servants who lacked such wit, but then he recalled that this was his castle they were in and he could do whatever the fuck he wants. Y/n gulped as the man swiftly closed the distance between them and wrapped one large hand completely over the crown of her head, holding it as if it were a ball. The last thing she saw was his four ruby eyes before her head was diced into thousands of little cubes.

Sukuna strutted back to the bathhouse feeling pleased with how he handled the incident, and having submerged his hand in the warm water to clean her blood from it.


'yes, master?'

'go to the training field, take the Tachi that lies there and place it back in it's saya, then place it on the empty bench along with an index of attacks and defences from the library'

'yes master'

He'd never grace her ears with such a statement, but having watched her practising with her imaginary moves he could see her sheer potential for combat.

Sukuna had to admit, she had looked quite graceful for a fleeting moment there. Perhaps letting her into his residence was not going to be such a hinderance after all, as long as she left him alone. 

that is what he wanted, no?

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