Everyone talked amongst each other happily. Odyssey went to get some food and Calypso stayed by his side the whole time, she did not want him talking to Penelope. "Calypso would you like something?" He asks her and she shook her head, her arm hooked around his with a smile on her face.
The men that went with Odyssey to war were happy to see their families. It's been so long since they've seen any of their other friend and families.
Penelope sat one side as she stared into nothing, Telemachus got to talking with Circe but when he saw a certain suitor making their way to his mother, he walked towards her. "Mother. " She looks at her son. "Yes dear?" She asks. He hugs her and the suitor walked away with a grumble. "Maybe we should get some fresh air? Or maybe you can talk to dad? It's been a while since you two spoke. I'm sure I can distract that woman he is with and leave you two alone" she shook her head. "It's been how many years now. It's only natural for your father to move on, I think it'd be best if we try to do the same" she gives him a sad smile.
She didn't know the truth but they were about to soon. The Gods were talking only with each other as they did not see the use of talking with mortals that can't respond on their level of knowledge.
After everyone ate something, used the restroom and relaxed a little Henrik came back and got everyone back into their seats with a snap of his fingers. The lights dimmed again and the screen turned on.
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