Chapter 10: Zentroid Crucifyzoa

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"Time to go, guys!" Saitori huffed.

"General!" Cecilius pointed to the sky. "You need to see this."

"We don't have time! What the?"

The group spotted fighter jets attacking the chimaera warships.

"US Air Force. I guess Forroway somehow convinced the politicians to fight back," Cecilius nodded. "It should buy us time."

"They won't last long though. Let's go, now."

"Why?" Dr. Kullian knelt in tears as the chimaeras blasted hellfire across the sky. "Evil dogs and a bloody demon were bad enough!"

Arius and Magnus rubbed his back in comfort as Dorian cried with the doctor.

"Dorian," Cecilius held her shoulder.

"I don't understand, Cecilius," Dorian buried her head into her laptop. "Why is there so much violence in the world?"

"Look, it won't help that we sob all day!" Saitori stammered. "Do you want the stealth hounds to find us? Or wait until the chimaeras blast us into pieces?"

"General," Cecilius hugged Dorian. "I think we need a brief moment here."

"A moment? You hear that?" Saitori lifted a finger.

The group listened to the scampering and howling of the stealth hounds on the floor below.

"That's the sound of death coming for us," Saitori glared. "You want to just sit here waiting for death to come?"

Cecilius stood up. "Saitori! These poor friends of ours have never experienced Federation horrors like you and I have!"

"They need to grow up. Isrina and I have watched our friends die left and right during the Niang Chronicles! We lost a lot of good men like Dr. Jinhai Niang back then. We didn't have time to mourn for them! We kept moving through the night before the European governments could sell us to the Federation!"

"I know, but that's different! Dorian is not a fighter like us. We should comfort her the best we can!"

"Comforting Cyclia certainly didn't stop her from betraying us!"

"Hey, watch your mouth!" Cecilius glared at Saitori for mentioning his lost daughter who betrayed them during the Niang Chronicles. "Amitonyx or I should say your ex brainwashed her! Didn't you help that madman build SANDRA and all those bloodthirsty droids for Fanghui?"

Saitori slammed her foot on the ground with uncontrollable fury.

"Please, stop!" Dorian wailed. "Why are we fighting? Why is this world collapsing around us? My friends are stuck in a game. Let's get out here. We aren't making anything better."

Dorian wept as Cecilius patted her head.

"How about," Magnus proposed. "We just go to the helipad now, and talk about our worries along the way? Alright? Simple solution."

Saitori took a deep breath as Cecilius apologized to Dorian.

"Okay, Magnus," Saitori turned around coldly. "You heard the man. Let's go, but we need to pick up the pace."

The gang hurried across the empty hallway. Cecilius comforted Dorian while Captain Arius and Magnus helped Dr. Kullian walk.

"G-General," Cecilius mumbled through the awkward silence. "I-I apologize."

Saitori didn't answer.

"I shouldn't have brought up your past. I know you've done your best to put right where you did wrong."

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