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My family was really sad but didn't leave my side. You know that's the best part about the family, they will be always there for you. I thought my parents didn't really care about me but I was wrong. They supported me to move on and never criticized me for being with him all this long. The only thing they asked was why I continued with him. They tried to make me realise that all the things happened was okay and I was not wrong completely.
     But I was not ready to understand anything around me. As I mentioned earlier even though I was with a lot of friends after restarting my studies nothing really caught my attention. I didn't got anybody to open up. I was alone in a crowd, completely lonely and lost.
      There happened the new chapter of my life, Alex.
      He didn't had any particular place in my life in the early stage of our journey but became very important in my life fighting with the odds and make me believe in love again. He was merely an phychologist for me and for him just a patient,who just went mad because of a toxic guy. It changed when we got close were he shared his life stories with me.

        So one fine morning for everyone except me ,I restarted my studies. My parents wanted me to start a normal life so that I could get over the past. But I was wierd maybe. As I said before I had no friends. I understood that I was not a part of any friend group, I was just following them around. I stopped this following. My depression started to take over me and my family made me consult a phychologist and that's how I met Alex. His life was also not a bed of roses. We share a lot in common it's just that he was one of the most optimistic person I met those days and maybe I was the most pessimistic one for him.
        I went to his clinic. It was a Saturday. I rang the bell.
      " Tring tring" this was the sound that I expected but suddenly as I pressed the calling bell it started to play the 1D song " night changes". The clinic somewhat looked like a small house and had a beautiful yet small garden in the courtyard. A guy with a 6ft height and lean,stood in front of me, dressed in a pretty formal shirt. He had a sweet smile on his face but looked kinda noughty.
"Come inside. You must me Ms. Hannah right? Actually my attendant is on leave today. By the way I 'm Alex ,Dr Alexander Smith. I was expecting you since your token was booked and your time had already gone." " Sorry doctor I was a bit busy with my academic works, it's been long time since I dropped my studies so comming back in the line is pretty much difficult. So sorry for making you wait." I replied. " Come inside and talk I guess we have a lot to talk and discuss " and as we got inside he handed over a paper with some weird figures to me. It asked me to choose between a cockroach and lizard. I still don't know what had he understood about me through that paper. As soon as I filled that he went though the paper. I could see the subtle changes in his face. He gave me a sicky notepad and asked me to write everything that I feel about things around me in those notes for the next whole week and submit it to him. The whole sticky notes system was weird. But I don't know that week was a pretty much stree free one for me. The only big thing happened to me that week was my first meeting with Luke, yes I met him first in the metro was during that week. I wrote about that in my sticky notes too and I noticed the slight smile on Alex's face while reading that note , no it was not a smile rather was a smirk. What I wrote was:
"Was he a gentleman or just stupid, anyway as soon as he sat down my mind felt at ease but as soon as he smiled at me I felt restless."

The ritual of sticky notes went on and on for months. I don't know thosedays I had a feeling of restlessness all the time.

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