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So finally here I am... going to talk about him again.
I started to go to classes by the next week. My first goal was to know what had I done on the fresher's. But no-one seemed to be wierd or different to me, everyone behaed pretty normally. That normal behaviour was really scary to me.
I looked for the fruit guy-' Luke Evans.' I didn't get to meet him. Everyone was murmuring as soon as I asked about him and looked at me in a very specific yet kinda creepy manner, some looked surprised! But why? No idea. It was after I understood that when I asked about him people must have thought that I remember everything.

It was lab hour, my first time after a while in the lab. I was not confident at all. My hands were shaking,my heart was beating fast. Sir as soon as he met me asked whether I was okay or not. He knew all about me. He was my mom's friend or maybe more. My family now has more people like in my mother's room it has this sir and in my father's room...I don't know that person personally because that person has been there for the past few weeks and we barely met once.
In lab I got to sit beside a newcomer.
Actually I am in the lab with my junior batch so technically with students who are three years younger to me. But I knew some of them but this guy was new. Maybe because I looked terrified or something he offered me his water bottle to savor from. I gulped some water and tried to see sit comfortably.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Okay if you need any assistance tell me ok. I had learnt this before for a project so I know this practical assignment."
"Thank you...but can you please tell me what is the topic of today." He looked at me baffled by my question.
"It's zoology and the for portion is of today." I just nodded. The professor gave instructions which didn't got my attention. I felt uneasy but continued in the lab. All my work was done by the guy next to me. But the next day it was reversed completely, I did all the activities by myself and I didn't even knew about the existence of the boy next to me.  My energy level used to get drastic dramatic variations all the time. Sometimes I feel like I'm very productive each and every second I was able to do something without getting tired, but sometimes it was just opposite. I felt to just lay down all the time. I missed my sessions with Alex for a continuous three weeks. Days pased and my condition became worse. My energy was drained and I was not even able to sit straight. Alex had came to visit me at home, maybe because I didn't went to him.
"Hey Hannah, what's up? Why didn't you come to me last week..ha?"
I muttered something...I don't know what I wanted to say. I was tired... really tired.
For a few days I had some serious medications and Alex came twice daily. My tiredness was vanishing slowly and I felt more at ease and comfortable. I don't know Alex is the one with whom I felt so good. It was a one month period and I went back collage. And I met him, the one whom I had met last sem from the metro, the boy in mask with wavy hair. It was him and I don't know I followed him. Truly it was done in an unconscious mind maybe, ehh I was stalking a boy...?? He went straight and got inside my class. "What he is in my class? Oh!! One second, seriously that cute boy is in my class....!?" He unmasked himself and smiled at me. "God he is smiling at me.? Is that smile because he understood that I followed him.. ayy it feels awkward..." The next hour was practicals and I realised that I was with him all the time throughout practicals." Oh sh**  he saw me in a really crazy state..." "One second, why should I care, he is a random guy whom I don't even know then why am I worried about my image in his eyes. No I don't care....Maybe I was worried because of the medications. I should meet Alex ." I went to clinic that evening itself to meet Alex. When I told him about my craziness he started to laugh." Why the hell are you laughing. Even that boy laughed at me. You know the most crazy part the tapping sound of his walk even felt very similar to me. What is wrong with me Alex? You and him both are driving me nuts." I was really frustrated and started to walk around through his clinic. His clinic was a small room from outside but pretty large inside and has a cozy vibe to it. Many beautiful encouraging quotes were stick on to the wall. A photo of his mother and sister was hung up on the wall. This was my first time walking through his whole area, it was because I started to feel very homely and comfortable around him. He was really someone very important to me.
Time was around 10pm and my hostel was closed as he left me there.
"If you don't mind you can come to my house for tonight. There are some rooms vacant or you can tell me I will drop you at your home. I asked because I am a bit tired and actually wanted to get home. Some chores to complete." Alex completed in a low voice, he has really soothing voice. "Ooh, it's fine I will get home by my own I don't want to disturb you like 24/7." "No I have no issues with you crashing at my place issue is your comfortability. If you are not comfortable just let it slide, I will take you to your home." He said firmly. "Alex I don't have any issues, you know I believe I am most safe around you. You are the person I trust the most." "Don't do that. Don't trust anyone so easily." "This is what I said, this kind of your approach make me trust you mmm more. So technically it's your fault.""mmh..."he chuckled. He started the engine and drove straight to somewhere. The route was unfamiliar to me, but was really beautiful with so many small scale shops and small houses. And we came infront of a three storey house with two cars parked in the front. Bathed in moonlight, the house looked stunning, yet at midnight, not a single light flickered within its vast, shadowed rooms.

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