That night ,still a mystery

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"Oh you're here again. She is still sleeping." Alex stated.
"She is fine right? Why is she sleeping a lot? By the way, take these please, actually I bought these for her." His voice had many layers but was not at all hard, he had a very sweet voice.
"Sure. She doesn't know who is giving all these fruits here. May I please know your name? If she asked?"
"Sure, but she doesn't know me. I'm newly admitted to the college. Nice to meet you myself Luke, Luke Evans. Your good name?" His voice was really energetic and captivating.
"Dr Alexander Smith, psychologist. Nice to meet you too."
"You must be her friend right?"
"Bro you are the one who took her here. So you must have already concluded that I am her psychologist right? You were just confirming?"
"No, I don't think that just because she was vulnerable at that moment means she needs therapy. But yeah if you are her psychologist I would be very happy because at this point of time, in our society everyone needs somebody to lean on."
"You don't look so, but you are much more mature than my expectations."
"Thanks. Have a good day doctor. Let me go I have to reach college now."

His shoes were really loud as he was running through the varanda. His footsteps were followed by my ears even though I intentionally paid no attention. I was not able to recognise his voice but it felt really comfortable.
"Who was that?" I asked to Alex.
"Don't know,he said he is your classmate and said you won't know him. His name is Luke. He was the one who brought you here and dealt with the police. Anyways he came here before too. This was his second time with fruits." I was pretty astonished by his answer. I had no idea who the person was and why he was caring about me. The next day itself I got discharged. My mom was there to pic me up. I had been admitted here seven days before. Still I was in complete dark about the reason why I was hospitalized. My mom took me to my room. It was fully organised and clean. I was really happy to be back on my bed. I found traces of destruction in my room, even though the floor was crystal clear. My books on the table were out of order, some sculptures and images were missing, and others were broken and put back together. But I didn't asked about those. I was really tired and was not in the mood to get to know about those things. It was evident that no one around me wanted me to know about what's happening around me.
I was pretty much in bed all the time for the next two days. I didn't meet Alex at all. But on the third day he came to meet me. He had a talk with mom. I don't know what had she talked to him. He came to me with that old wierd smile.
"Hey there! How are you? Your classmate came to hospital today and gave me these fruits. Is he crazy or what?"he chuckled and unpacked all the fruits and set it on the table. I was confused by the behaviour of this random guy. My parents, sister and Alex everyone around me was literally messing with my mind by not telling me what happened that night by which I ended up in a hospital and got a fracture. I had no idea how to unveil the thing that everyone was hiding from me. Why the hell was my room near than usual and my photo frmes broken.
And moreover anything why that Luke said that I need a person to relay on.

I was clueless... completely clueless.
Next day also Alex came and we talked rubbish. Actually we were talking about my past  a complete picture. I had no idea that he didn't knew all about me, even Chris was just a small thing in his mind. That means mom hadn't told him more about me. He listened to me in complete silence, only shook his head and nodded on everything I said.
He took care of me a lot but I felt awkward most of the time, I felt like he thinks of me as a little girl. Maybe it was because I had always been talking care of myself by my own. These kinds of realisations that I acquired by my time with these two people Alex and Luke helped me to know more about myself probably.

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